Mouthface got Kinja'd

I’m putting this in a separate thread, because it deserves it’s own thread. Do any of you have experience with a family member with BPD? My friend Chris’ mum has just been diagnosed and she’s being a nightmare. For context, almost two years ago, she had a head injury which landed her in hospital. When she was home

Evening Jezzies how are you all tonight?

Feel free to tell me to bog off if this is too nosy, but is EBT benefits? I’m sure when my brother was on them, he had something like that. If it is, is there a P3 in your area you could talk to? They were fantastic getting my brothers money sorted. *Hugs*

Did you mean something like this or a small pan? Clearly Kinja hates me

(Hugs to you) I hope you’re doing okay

That’s what our cats try, but they get upset stomachs at anything and everything so they have to be distracted if anything gets dropped.

Do you mean small saucepans?

The other option is pick it up, forgetting you have a bad hand one side, then drop it on the floor as you remember you used the wrong hand. Turn round to get kitchen towel to wipe up the mess before the cat tries eating it and find out it’s hard boiled and you only have to clear up broken egg shell.

Yes! This bugs me so much! I live in England, where it’s usually cold and rainy. Every shop I’ve been in this summer has been selling these tops. You know what most people wear when it’s cold and rainy? A jacket or coat. You know what you can’t wear (comfortably) with one of these ridiculous tops? A damn jacket. Sorry

Good luck with your upcoming family! According to the social worker who helped Cait with her adoptions, children of colour, and babies over six months are harder to adopt because parents don’t feel like the child is ‘theirs’.

Thank you for this, I will.

I had some earlier, does that count?

Thank you for this. I’ve just laughed my head off, and sent it to my friends and my brother, so they can laugh as well.

How far in advance did you have to book them? I asked someone I know who lives by London, and sees shows in London every couple of weeks, how far ahead you had to book and she laughed at me, and told me I didn’t stand a chance seeing it for another five years at least. 

I have RA too. At the moment I have two cats, ones scared of everything, and the other thinks he’s my nurse.When I had seizures he’d sit with me crying until someone came to help, and I had a fall earlier, and needed an ambulance, so he sat next to me the entire time the paramedics were there and only left me alone

I have no idea there, sorry.

A lot of us have, it’s just trying to get through to the rest who either don’t know, or don’t care, or want to remain ignorant. Slightly off topic, they kept emailing me a while back, sending me vegan recipes and stuff (carrot bacon anyone?). After sending me thirty emails in thirty minutes, after I unsubscribed, I

I wanted a husky, until I got talking to a lady outside a shop who had one. She said she adopted hers from a shelter, but they didn’t know her history. Her dog was having pups, and all the dogs were escape artists, and she has to ask someone to walk two of the pups with her because they’re so strong they pull her

Loosely wrap it in wet kitchen towel and microwave it for 3 minutes. I’m disabled and can then easily get the corn off the cob like that.

I’m 26 and can’t even get that