Beef supreme

Thanks Drew,

I have the playbase and two play 1’s. It’s more than enough for my small apartment. Very happy with it. The sub will explode your head in a bedroom (and probably annoy your housemates). Two play ones will round out your beam nicely. I get it though, sonos is a helluva drug.

I have the playbase and two play 1’s. It’s more than enough for my small apartment. Very happy with it. The sub will

I was waiting for this in the comments. 

I had that! Totally forgot about it. It was called “The Saturator”. Thanks for the nostalgia.

Close. “Fart 2: the movie” won the Oscar for best picture.

He resembles a troll from popular mythology who eats children and lives beneath a bridge though....right everyone!?!?

Oooh! I recognize that porchetta. All belly, no loin. Hot damn it was so good. I have that book too. I display it to look like a competent cook who uses science in ways that tasteless philistines could never comprehend.

Neutral, Canadian observer here. Was recently taking a course where our instructor related a story about his trip down south to a nascar event. EVERY person he talked to said trump is along the lines of “the best thing to happen to this country, the best president we’ve had”. Gobsmacked.

Under appreciated.

Schrodinger’s balls!

This is a criminally underrated comment.

Oh no! At 35, I too am now old. Last Friday night I was overjoyed to stay home and plant my aquarium all night. Also, all music awards shows very confusing now. I have no idea who any presenters or artists are anymore. I’m ok with it.

I never read your article on google mooga. Good stuff. Food is the new music? How abhorrent. Glad I’m getting old.

Kinda resembles my walk home after Friday night happy hour.

Regarding technical talent vs songwriting/swagger see: Rush. All rush dorks love to tell you how Neil Peart is THE best drummer EVER. They may be right, but all Rush songs are hot garbage masked with impressive licks/chops/drumsmanship. See also: Dream Theatre. Fight me dorks.

How could they spend so much on needless infrastructure while the children of Budapest go hungary?

If you like self important, tearful circle jerks by people with large megaphones and larger paydays, see: any entertainment awards show. (Grammies, Oscars, etc.)

Developing story:

Picked the wrong day to give up smoking crack.

In soviet Czech Republic, roof plays on you!