
Yes...a coworker of mine brought up that idea in our lab as well. Not a bad one to look into... =)

No one claims the study “didn’t work.” If it didn’t work...there would be no data and no results. Unexpected findings occur in science all the time—it does not mean the study was unsuccessful.

Sure, but the idea behind these studies is to better help us prepare astronauts for when that day comes. Minimizing the risk to astronaut health as much as possible will help ensure a successful mission so as to not waste anyone’s time, money, effort, or lives. Clearly the technology to send people to Mars is still

The point is that both humans and mice are capable of discriminating between very similar contexts and things using pattern separation abilities. An increased ability in pattern separation means reductions in generalization. Extreme loss of ability to generalize can lead to harmful outcomes such as autistic traits or

Age-dependent effects in response to external stimuli are not rare. Just because previous studies have found harmful effects in young mice, it does not mean the opposite isn’t true for older mice. Therefore, there are no immediate doubts no matter what the results are because it has not truly been tested previously in