Strange things happen in the alternate dimension known as New York Fashion Week. Kim Kardashian and Courtney Love…
Strange things happen in the alternate dimension known as New York Fashion Week. Kim Kardashian and Courtney Love…
With sex work you are consenting to sex within the condition that payment will be rendered for the sex act. Its sort of equivalent to consenting to sex with a condom, only to later discover that the penetrator took it off secretly. With conditional consent rescinding the conditions under which the consent was given…
Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex
trafficking is aworkers are legitimatebusinesshuman beings.
In an editorial published in yesterday’s Chicago Sun-Times, writer Mary Mitchell essentially argued that sex workers…
They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.
The CDC estimates that you have a 50% chance of getting a sexually transmitted infection before you turn 25. Even…