
no need to use such harsh language

am not

but passing out behind a dumpster is a terrible idea


no it's not her fault

i've answered your question

that's cause you don't know when someone is and isn't victim blaming

i'm not anti-PC so long as your PC terms are used reasonably

well, you got me to that point with your irrationality, congratulations

noone "has it coming" to them

i genuinely am, it's a terrible idea

no it doesn't make it her fault but it didn't do her any favors

but it does matter, this will happen again and again if no one takes the idea of having a plan to get home safely after a night out seriously and i'm not even saying that's what happened her,she could have been drugged, who knows? but if this was from heavy drinking there is some potential irresponsibly on her part

i've said one thing that she might of done that was an irresponsible decision and that was not drink so much and if she were to drink so much to have a plan to get home safely
but by all means use hyperbole.

but the unfortunate reality is people do rape people and always will, you put yourself unconscious next to a dumpster after a night of drinking you put yourself as at much risk of rape, murder, robbery, choking on your own vomit, being bitten by local bugs, hypothermia etc as there is of you being escorted home safety

no, i try not to associate with insane people

all people know not to commit harm to someone, it's a choice they make and it's one that has this guy facing the punishment and public condemnation he deserves

you're right, in an ideal situation someone would have helped her get home or called someone to help her out of that undignified position she was in, unfortunately for her it was a rapist that found her.

i think you're just desperately looking to accuse me of victim blaming