
and that's the reason i'm making these freaking comments, cause, while i don't agree at all with what the member of the band wrote, i think any irresponsibly of the woman's part should not just be dismissed

cause it's a huge factor into what happened to her, had she taken a cab or an uber home or had a designated driver friend or knew to go home before she was at the point of passing out, the only thing that would have happened to her was a long sleepin, but no she for sime reason thought sleeping next to a pile of trash

yeah, not easy to come back on me for that one is it

that should be common sense too

but i want to talk about any potential irresponsibility on her part given that it's a part of what the article is about, i don't think it's a subject that we should all just walk on eggshells about or not even acknowledge, but all the same, nothing should have happened to her

as far as i'm concerned perv is an umbrella term ranging from giving pervy stares to total rapists, but yes he is a rapist, even a fucking rapist, a total fucking rapist, i agree

course it does matter,if she's so irresponsible that she goes out, drinks entirely too much and doesn't have a plan to get home safely and thinks a dumper is a great place to rest, she's not exactly doing herself any favors, if i were victim blaming i would have said she deserved what happened to her but that of

as i said, nothing should have happened to her but when you're next to a back alley dumpster unconscious that's not exactly a safe place to be unconscious

the guy is a perv and was clearly deserves more than 6 months in prison

So, so, so stupid, yeah the blue woman who has been featured in the globally popular x-men movies for the past 16 years getting choked on a billboard that clearly has X-men printed on it doesn't have any fucking context to it. What are we going to go after next? women looking scared in horror movie posters cause it

don't want to get into that debate

think that's just the way things are now

when do you officially stop being a kid, cause you're calling a 25 year old, a 29 year old and a 32 year old kids, does childhood end at 40 now?

not even close to the worst show ever made actually

he suits It

they don't need to be ugly, just average would suffice

i just hate how good looking everyone is in this movie given its subject matter, seems like such trite, sugarcoated hollywood garbage, it's really just another romance movie with him being crippled as a plot device, the guy looks like a model quipping charming charismatic lines without a care in the world despite his

feel like i could do without this show now, season 1 was a fair while ago now

the only thing shitty about keira knightly is that when i think of her i can think back to movies she was in when i was a child and cause she has been consistently working since then in fairly mature roles and has always looked like she could be any age from 18-30 i always think of her as being significantly older

a really good show