
i'm not saying it should, i'm just saying it was a particularly repugnant scene

but is it sexist?, really?

in the movie a kid who looks about 6 grabs it wanting to play with it and in a "hilarious" visual gag the parents of the kid mistake the kid for touching and potentially sucking efrons penis

when you're a 50 something year old successful millionaire with the mentality of a 14 year old boy and probably in bed with different models most nights, it might be a little hard to treat women as anything but objects

how about you focus on performance more than age, do they suit the role, if so, you have nothing to complain about, the age is irrelevant

knowing nothing about the comics i always thought captain marvel was a guy

talking about the scene from the movie where this dick hugging atrocity is featured

oh yeah, i forgot he did this, ah well i've finished watching the show therefore i'm done with anything to do with him, well done scumbag, enjoy your prison blanket parties

that joke was particularly terrible in that movie, i don't mind pushing limits for comedy but using childish innocence to make a pedo/oral sex joke is more sick than funny

yeah, it was pretty bad, not much more to it than what was in the trailer

so, this show is actually good?

he's not wrong


"i don't like you, or anyone else, but i would really like for us to be friends"

Did we really need the "i got warts on me cock" scene?

Is this the new Banshee?, cause I'm looking for a new Banshee

Warts and all

they do, but i'm happy they all booed sean penn's movie, that guy needs a reality check, he's been a pompous douche for about 15 years now

this show served as a great replacement for the void Spartacus left after it finished, bring on the next batshit crazy ultraviolent surprisingly really good show

thank god, terrible terrible show