
give it more time

i don't llike john oliver, he bugs me

sure a little treat for their hard work, why not

but as bugs bunny once said "monsters are such interesting people"

how can you be so obtuse?

sure he didn't

keep defending your beloved pedo, truth will come out one day

i never said it was incest
but regardless it's still messed up that he fell in love with someone he help raise as a child
and that isn't the only thing that people have been calling him a creep for, even if nothing else has been proven yet i still have trouble respecting someone that suspect and it seems weird to me

but it's widely speculated that he has been up to some weird pedo stuff, not to mention the adopted daughter romance

creepy fact: i first watched Jeepers Creepers at a sleepover party when i was 12 or 13 with a group of all boys the same age and we all loved it

who roman polanski? woody allen?

27 years ago and he served his time, piss off canada , i've been waiting 12 years for another jeepers creepers

everything is good about this except the price they are asking people to pay

don't worry, that dopey 19 year old will soon realize how young 28 really is, when i was 21 i thought 26 was a huge age gap for me, 5 very quickly passing years later, i've changed my mind

just like this movie

just release this obvious garbage online

eh, it's a pretty good show

i like that this show is liked

Nick Bloomfield is a joke, haven't seen a documentary from him since the aileen ones but i'm pretty sure he's still a joke, how did he even have a career after Kurt and Courtney, terrible excuse of a documentary

girl who i saw naked in 2008, that's all i know about her