
Once again romcom bullshit doesn't translate well into the real world


does anyone even want this?

what does the farty boner corpse even mean?

i can relate, only with piss

beats sick puppies

(my comment wasn't meant to be taken seriously)

but… real cases?……real people?

yep, my dad is 75 and still doing well
i've worked in hospitals where 90 year olds are still active, mentally fine and even still driving

the poster for this makes me cringe uncontrollably "the most human movie of the year" "an essential film"
it looks like it took a lot of work to make but is it really that good? is it really something that needed Plasticine looking people rather than real actors? is it one of those projects people feel obligated to

their own fault, yahoo had it's day in the 90's now no one gives a turkey shit about it

can't wait

ashamed to say corey is pretty much me only without the magic card sorting hobby

2 years on i still can't forgive them for season 8

naked with an unseen but more than likely existing erection

i don't think i've seen a more awkward dad/daughter moment on TV

hope he retires soon

best actor of the episode = Mustachioed Jim Norton

*scoff* americans, *scoff*

alright well now i can't in good conscious see it, you just know they are going to tarnish the whole series with unnecessary profanity, like john malcovich did by calling a transformer "fucking awesome" in transformers 3