
Anyone who unironically uses the term “fake news” is an asshole. It deliberately normalizes Trump’s assault on the media and truth.

Also, I thought stories about Ancel being very difficult to work with had been around for ages? Am I misremembering that?

Dude, if you’re comparing remasters to emulations with mods... the remasters are going to lose every time. I think you’ve made a pretty good case for the emulator route, if only because it’s free...

So the difficulty here is really nailing down if the streamers’ toxic qualities come from being asshole streamers or asshole members of the Navy. Gonna have to chalk it up to both, I guess.

This is an A+ comment and you deserve a ribbon or a medal or something.

I like articles like this. I really wish game discourse could move past “good/bad” and more into interesting or unique elements and how they can be adapted or refined. Most of the comments seem focused on the overall quality of the game, when the article is about a specific aspect of the game the author finds

Haha, I’m the opposite. I still play the old Mario games regularly, but I have absolutely no interest in the Game & Watch.

The comment you replied to went completely over your head. =/

Jesus, fuck off Ethan. Our country is one step away from full blown fascism and you’re wringing your hands over Biden’s Animal Crossing yard signs.

Fuck. Off.

That’s a really good point, yeah. The handheld remakes are almost more like reimaginings, so maybe they’re relatively complexity is what’s holding Square-Enix back. Or maybe they’re waiting to see how well the ports do before they commit to a larger project.

Those remakes, and the WonderSwan remake of FF Legends 1, never got English language releases, so Square-Enix would have to pay to localize them and I doubt they want to put that much money into it.

A) I think you’re assuming a lot, and B) I don’t see how that’s any better or really any different.

And again, coupled with their complete lack of understanding of the severity of the workplace abuse, it’s pretty clear TadBravo isn’t making this in good faith at all.

If he’s the sole owner of the company, he doesn’t have to answer to anybody and therefor has no oversight and can treat his employees like shit with no recourse.

It’s odd that you went straight to assuming someone was trying to steal the company from him, but judging from your other comments you clearly don’t

Careful, that’s some load bearing misogyny and homophobia in your joke there! ^_^

It will probably be more comfortable if you stick to licking the boot instead of deepthroating it.

The best reasoning I’ve seen put forth for the strategy is to get people to build a collection on the Epic Game Store which will hopefully lead to them feeling comfortable making real purchases as well. A big reason people are so attached to Steam is because they’ve built up these extensive game libraries over the

Man, you’re being really intense and weird to a stranger on the internet.

I think the game is meant to help players find joy in simple tasks through the use of abstraction. The gameplay is an abstracted form of things we typically consider joyless work. I think we’re just meant to enjoy the bucolic nature of it. The self-expression aspect I think was more meaningful when you had such a

There are two types of Animal Crossing players. I like that the game is slow and kinda obtuse in how it works. The fact that perhaps the most significant aspect of Animal Crossing is that it runs in real-time gives insight into Nintendo’s vision for the experience they’re trying to deliver. I don’t think these QOL

Fuck this post is stupid. Jesus.

So how does this not apply to other streaming apps like Netflix, Hulu, etc.?