
Knowing how much of a dick Jeff Koons is, I’m surprised he hasn’t either A) ripped this off, or B) sued Rockstar for ripping HIM off.

I was gonna say the same thing. From the picture, it almost looks like SonicFox won and GO1 lost! Such a refreshing change from the nastiness of some other FGC scenes.

This article should really say somewhere that the yellow dog is a reference to pop artist Jeff Koons, well known for making large balloon-animal style installations.

I keep thinking you guys are posting the same article about this tunnel over and over again, and yet every time I realize it’s a brand NEW way the LAs Vegas Tunnel is utter shit.

Keep up the good work!

I strongly dislike Ninja, but this is a smart move. He’s assuredly being compensated handsomely for the move, and he’s popular enough that enough of his viewers will switch over with him that he likely won’t see much of a drop off. And, as someone else in the comments here pointed out, the streaming profession is

Hey, at least New Gods is actually a long string of stories with a bunch of characters that you can pick and choose from to adapt to a different medium. A Wrinkle in Time is a single, relatively short novel that doesn’t give you much wiggle room.

Although, on the other hand, comic book fans are so much whinier than

Famously easy-to-adapt book A Wrinkle in Time?

To be honest, I don’t think WB/DC have confidence enough to build up to a major event like that. That’s what they’ve been trying to (essentially imitating the MCU) and it’s failed miserably because of mismanagement. What HAS worked for WB/DC so far is movies that are more or less stand alone pieces.

So while ideally

The Yankees are named after genocidal maniacs that enslaved millions of people.

You wrote an entire fucking article about a little shitty thing a pitcher did that didn’t even change the fact that the throw to first was off target anyway? Seriously? You got paid to do this?

A) That’s not what that article said. At all. They said the players of the USMNT had not said anything. And they were right. They even listed every player they contacted and what their response was. Every single player either declined to comment or their comment was “no comment.”

B) The statement from this article is

That’s fair, but I don’t see the logic in disliking a team because a prominent fan of that team is a piece of shit person. Every single pro sports team would be disqualified by that reasoning.

Look, I absolutely love Jeremy Lin. But he’s had an NBA career that’s stretched nearly a decade. He just won a championship. There are dozens of excellent guys out there who haven’t been given shots in the league, or they’ve only gotten to play in a handful of games. They’ve spent their entire pro careers traveling

Are we sure that IS Ganondorf in the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer? Is that official? It looked to me like an evil version of the monks from the many shrines.

Either way this artwork is superb. Wow.

About the update, was the log in for Doom 3 meant to be optional, too? The Doom and Doom 2 log ins were weird and annoying, but the Doom 3 one basically required an internet connection to access parts of the game. Has that been changed too?

You’d think they would just have barcode scanners at the pump, like what Kroger does. That can’t possibly be too difficult to retrofit.

Unless the app is scraping your phone for data or tracking what you do outside of the app, it’s just going to track your purchases, which Costco is already doing with the card.

Nah, the people who like Tarantino movies think they’re edgy and sophisticated because supposedly he’s a rebel and does things his own way. They can’t see that he’s just like every other toxic bro director, except he shamelessly apes all of the better ones. Throw in a few n-words, and white people think he’s just

I think it’s just a little image put together by some staffer to fill a gap and evoke the aforementioned famous scene from Mother 3. But it should tell Nintendo something that demand for the localization of Mother 3 is so big that we’re even speculating about slivers of images now.

I think you just outed yourself as having excellent taste in film, actually.