
No. It's a straw-man argument. The focus is Obama, not Reagan. Reagan did not, somehow, channel his energy to make Obama use executive orders for immigration so the point is moot.

You mean that high-tech border fence that was canceled by Obama in 2011 because it didn't work:

What I did or didn't do in the past has nothing to do with Obama's executive orders on immigration enforcement.

No system is perfect. The process being unpleasant still doesn't justify not enforcing the law. We can certainly address the issue of arbitrary or excessive requirements without just throwing our hands up and going home.

They would, if someone could sue for it and get the case in front of the SCOTUS. But with that comes a party having to prove standing (material harm) and it's incredibly difficult to do that in this particular case. But I disagree with you. Obama STATES that this is just clarifying how the existing law should be

Well, I prefer my president follow the law. It is unconstitutional for a president to change laws passed by Congress through executive orders. They also cannot use them to modify the intent of laws passed by Congress or to enact policy to enforce laws as though they HAD been passed by Congress. This is what Obama is

Funny you should say that. There are already laws against hiring illegal immigrants. We should start by enforcing those.

Ha. Well, clearly you haven't been paying attention. Obama issued an executive order changing the way ICE enforces immigration law by claiming "prosecutorial discretion." Essentially choosing to not enforce the law for illegals that "would have" been effected by the DREAM Act, even though it never made it through

That's the average wait time for NATURALIZATION. Those people were here legally throughout the duration of that wait time as permanent residents. I don't see what your problem is here.

But that presents a problem in and of itself. It limits the ability for un- and under skilled American workers to find work. This disproportionately hurts African-Americans who make up the majority of those workers. If we are serious about helping American's find work, and bringing black unemployment in line with

No need. One only has to apply critical thinking skills, instead of using raw emotion or allegations of racism, to realize that problems can be categorized in terms of severity and the most severe should take priority over those less severe. It really is common sense.

Nonsense. In 2013, 990,553 people became legal permanent residents. That same year, 779,929 people became naturalized citizens. If immigrating to this country were "almost impossible," then those numbers would be almost zero.

Sure it is. The severity of the problem of people overstaying visas pales in comparison to those illegally crossing the southern border. They are not equal problems. And, again, it's not that no one cares about it, it's that it is not as an immediate problem as the southern border and falls lower in priority of

It is a false equivalency when you are trying to say that those opposed to illegals coming over the southern border are the "only" ones that they care about. When, in fact, that the most significant problem is at the southern border, not the northern border. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, but the

False equivalency. Count the number of Canadians rushing the northern border and show me how it compares to the tens of thousands coming across the southern border. When there is an unsustainable influx of illegal immigration in the North, come back and we'll talk.

My primary concern is that there are already federal immigration laws that aren't being enforced. Enforce the laws. These people can immigrate legally and we are happy to have them.

Not sure how this justifies breaking the law or not enforcing it. What's wrong with entering the country through the legal immigration process?

I left no qualification in that statement. It was intentionally broad. Legal immigration is perfectly fine; skin color is inconsequential. Not sure how you people come to these conclusions.

Against letting ILLEGAL immigrants in. There is no issue with legal immigrants.

Yes, but, they were being transported to a processing center at which they would receive a notice to appear and released into the public. Also, it's disingenuous to say they "hate immigrants so much." Rather, they are opposed to illegal immigration. They have no problem with people immigrating legally.