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THAC0 Jones has a certain weird ring to it, although I suppose THAC0 is technically a calculation and not a stat...

I love in Cleveland.

It won't happen, man. I love in Cleveland. Our schools have all gone to hell, most of the strip malls are empty outside of the main city. It's nothing but Walmarts and cell phone stores and all the funding seems to get dumped onto the athletes. The problem is, people try to logic with sports fans. But sports fans

Hilarious. Whenever a city, county or state puts an alcohol/smoking tax on the ballot it's because the money is going to be used to "offset the huge societal cost of these sins".

So which brings more stadium money: winning and reaping a higher percentage, or continuing to lose and driving up alcohol tax revenue?

Is this politician some crazy European socialist who expects pro sports teams to be held accountable for their performance?!?!? Look at Europe, their professional teams can finish last ever year and nothing happens to them, they actually get rewarded with high draf....oh wait, that's the US.

Alternative idea: don't subsidize the playgrounds of billionaire's sports teams; save massive money for the city.

Well, there are a few rare proactive rogues like yourself out there living on the edge, but it probably evaporated by the time it made it to the dump. Just as nature intended.

Just turn them inside-out, they'll be good to wear for another day or so.

That...looks like something you can buy today, really. I'm impressed.

The only reason this project survives is that Lockheed spread the production of the aircraft to around 30 states, and lawmakers could not resist that sweet, sweet pork.

The strange thing is that my understanding from very wise people is that "government spending doesn't create jobs" and yet, they're essentially

Having some experience with government acquisition I find this shocking. Did I say shocking? I meant completely and in all other ways not shocking.

what! Since when did the military start being overly expensive and not be able to accomplish anything?....oh wait

The US is only paying for part of the F-35 program - other countries have paid untold billions to the F-35 program in return for promises that the US would spend a similar amount buying from these countries. Orders that never materialized. So the US allies are left footing the bill and getting nothing back - not

Holy crap.. I literally just watched this movie tonight for the first time after my wife had been trying to get me to see it for the last 5 years.

Thumbnail was too small, misread it as virtual Toronto, I am disappoint. Freaking Catbus.

No. Fuck you. Catbus was freaky enough in 2D. I don't need it jumping out of the ether into my nightmares, thankyouverymuch.

"He's bonafide."


I've used this for other questions, but the Princess Bride still reigns. 1987.