don't forget sells heroin to kids.
I agree. not only would you have to deal with the struggles of a criminal lifestyle, but struggle with being a woman in a incredibly male/macho "career" path.
yeah i remember that, personally i think this game is pretty sound. i have not really seen anything that was bad or going to prove to be a problem, and i have put just shy of 10 hours into it.
i Had one instance on Noshar Canal (one of the best maps IMO) where a guy was able to push himself below a metal shipping container. there are a few out there i am sure but that was the only one i had run into so far.
My Grandmother lives in Delaware and attended his church for many years, had him over for dinners, gave his "holy" water as Christmas gifts. she still has some delusion that he is innocent and everything he has done is justified by God. I remember when he married that woman a week after her rich husband died, she…
As a Columbus native i think of Rev. Leroy Jenkins first, but then pull myself out of a rage spiral by yelling "LEEEEEEROOOYYYYYY nnnNNNJEEEEEEENKINS!" but yeah fuck that criminal scum.
you cant. you have to beat the game to switch skins. they are only available right away in the challenge maps.
Growing up in a family with 3 diabetics, i never really got into candy or sweets. i personally think chocolate tastes odd. not bad just... its a strange taste and i cant really describe my feelings towards it. but i must say Kirk, i LOVE Milkduds, and i eat them exclusively when gaming. i actually pick up a box every…
but seriously....where is Garrus?
Mass Modern Battle Combat Field Effect 3. This time the battles in space, and personal.
yeah i realized that moments after i posted that. great guide though! hard as hell to find now!
:) i saw that when i picked it up. i thought to myself great Dark Souls is hard enough, and now the guide is not even written for the same game.
Hey mike Flip it over and look at the back cover. under "side quest mastery". there is a funny misprint.
Zelda is a camel toe?
i want that....
haha i just noticed your image quite appropriate
What does Bruce Wayne have to do with Batman?
so true, so very true. the thing that still gets me, and they have yet to change it, is when you leave a pokemon center