
its the closet i'll ever be to piloting a submarine.

Gary's poor poor Raticate. Ash is a monster.

i played this game so much when i was a kid. i never owned it but i rented it at least 2 dozen times.

im still not to sure how to upload videos hope i got it. :) probably didn't.

that is a sweet watch.

you know why ME3 needs multiplayer? it has A LOT of side quests N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L

you know why ME3 needs multiplayer? it has A LOT of side quests N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L

Get ready to scan planets with a friend! now i really feel bad for Uranus

That baby has been writing about video games for about 10 years? impressive. well welcome to kotaku.


that reminds me of a Johnny Cash song, "A boy named Sue" a man with the name Sue grew up never knowing his father and being beaten and teased do to his name. then when he finally meets his father and confronts him about his name, his father basically says. i may not have been there to raise you but by giving you a

Lets say you have a vague awareness of a game called Starcraft. you've never played it but know just enough about it to know what makes Starcraft, Starcraft. Then you read just a brief headline, or hear something in passing from a friend about a game called Minecraft. you know absolutely NOTHING about this game, other

I personally hate the Matrix movie franchise. of course i hate them due to my last name. i liked the first movie when it came out, saw it at the theater day one. but a few months later everyone in America had seen it and made the connection that my last name is Anderson, and that's when the 'Misssster Anderson'

just about to do that.

episode is creepy as hell.

I've been holding back the tears but this is so hard. i'm not an Apple fan, however this man was just so god damn important to technology and this modern day! he will be missed, great article Joel, if you'll all excuse me, a grown ass man needs to go cry now.

OHHHHHHH i was concerned. very concerned.

many subway friends ill grab you one later tonight if you haven't already got one.


HA i forgot about that!