
Giant Bomb, is my go to, and its already been added to my favorites tab in place of this site as of today, i also get some decent dirt from Gameinformer usually not breaking news but well written semi-unbiased articles. gamsutra iv never found great, and destructoid i usually avoid but after seeing how they handled

i see what you did there, and it brought a smile to my face. even in the midst of this BS. thank you. That is one of my favorite lines ever, in the history of movies. it sums up every villain in every movie past, present, future. it really is a golden, over looked line that really drives at the heart of that movie.

i just found out "Lo" is on Netflix, not really a ghost movie. but a damn fine horror movie with some very dark humor. not a great movie, but a pretty damn good lower budget film.

think he smart enough to use ebay?

can i still give you my money for your comment, even though its currently in beta?

you where sharing info on routes with your friends, because online video walk throughs didn't really exist at that time. its the same thing just a lack of technology to spread it faster and wider (tws).

...AMAZSOMASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! i bet the use for that picture doesn't come up often...

god i hope so.

spears are in the game, you just cant throw them.

i will once again be a Stealthy Argonian Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. in Oblivion the Water Front District was covered in silver, food, and rare stones.

cassette tapes? are those like Mp3s?

$ushi$top sucks! they want 8.99 for a roll when i knoooooooow they only paid 2.99 to make it!

Okay, that one was great!

the games theme has always been about discovering new Pokemon and finding out why they are unique. the best part of the original series, as i remember was finding a new Pokemon inside a cave or in the tall grass or while fishing with the new fishing rod i just caught, or that feeling when my Pokemon starts to evolve.

its Rhyperior for me. may not be the best for competitive battles due to his Rock/ground typing. a lot of leads tend to destroy him, however i use him in a trick room team and if i roll out a couple of swords dances he is unstoppable. And he looks so badass! plus he shoots geodudes out of his hands by flexing his

im loving it. this is my first time playing the Gears series, so i'm all kind of Noob. but this is classic multiplayer. i don't know how i over looked it for so long.

I sure ****in did!


if you can find a store that still carries ps2 games they are Buy two get two free. i have been stocking up for the past week but damn no one has them now.

What would you do?