
It sounded so dumb to me at first, but the more i thought about the more i just want to scream and throw my guns in all games now.

I'm having this same problem, on the 360, i had to start a new game because i forgot to sign in so it didn't save, and i lowered the difficulty to "tell me a story" and i would get the ZZZ symbol, but as soon as i went up a difficulty. BAM Skull! it odd.

I upset a girlfriend (ex now, and I'm not going to say what i did, but i deserved more then what i got) and she knew the one thing that would get to me. that would just destroy me.

the truth is if you have a phone booth, you can do what ever the fuck you want to time.

just checking had a friend in high school who used the same name.

Paradox... if you travel in time to tell yourself not to buy something, and in doing so convince yourself not to buy said something then there is no reason for you to travel back in time to convince yourself not to buy that said something. negating your future effort to save your money. this is an example of a big

Been there done that, glad i wont have to this time. Thank you sir.

Strange Question, but is your name Shuan by any chance?

no joke, i got a friend request from "Apallingspace17" yesterday while playing Black ops. apparently 13 others got stuck with that name.

I just have to say those 20 free games...just icing, icing on the eventually delicious Nintendo 3DS cake. glad i bought mine day one, as i am a patient man, and can wait for the quality games that WILL come out. Don't bet against Nintendo unless you want to leave the party broke, naked, and willing to do a lot for a

You, my friend, are what the internet needs more of!

PS2 Jack and Daxter, Jak II, Jak 3, Jak Combat Racing, Jak and Daxter; Lost Frontier PSP Daxter Jak and Dater lost frontier (the same game on two different consoles i might add) PS3 Playstation Move Heroes (i know its not a true Jak game but still) Everyone does it, Nintendo just does it better than the rest.

Last time i checked, Gamestop also takes cold hard American cash. Steam dose not. all though if they don't start taking gold and Foreign Currency we all could be out of luck.

oh i see what you did there.

Most normal Xbox 360 users know who Major Nelson is. They blast that guys face all over the place on the Xbox Live dashboard. As for his blog, users may not check it but they know it exist, he ends all his segments with "for more information check out my blog at blah blah blah"

2006 called, and i asked how the hell are you calling the future, and why don't we have this technology now in 2011! 2013 and i need to have a conversation!

It's the internet mate :)

i really wish video games would ask if you want captions on/off with the initial setup, alongside Brightness, and screen size. i always turn captions on as soon as i start a game, and so do a lot of gamers i know.

I think Black Ops has an option to change tag colors for color blind users.

wait you mean this NEC? [] funny enough there was a Mario port on there.