much better
much better
@Stardude: OH GOD YES! i will buy 3!
What every man wants a longer Wii *drum roll*
@BEN: Ash's father to this day is an un-named Pokemon trainer. Who is speculated to still be alive.
@Koda89: Correct. the recent Celibi event in Heart Gold/ Soul Silver confirmed this.
How are 10 year olds suppose to pay monthly subscriptions? thats like their whole allowance!
As long as i can cause monster attacks in my friends city i'm ok with this.
Thats cool, but can it DANCE!!!!
I'll be playing L.A. Noire, with some Brink in between.
@Make.Sense: hey tell your government I'm invading and leave the keys under the door mat. Thanks.
Hey look we're all talking about Paradox interactive. Good work Fred Wester! Bad publicity is still publicity.
@deathday: clearing the cache just removes game updates. it does not effect profiles, DLC, Demos, or System updates. its a great tool especially if you play A LOT of games.
I hadn't scrolled down all the way and could only see the top of the photo and i thought it was R2-D2. i want it so bad!
they're to busy hacking the PS3. ayou all thought steam in Portal 2 was a good thing. It was just a ruse, a Trojan horse, guy who said he was a girl but it turned out he just had his wang tucked back DAMN YOU JESSICA I LOVED YOU!!
@BEEDLEE: well if thats the case I think I'm the reason why we still don't have it...I like comparing him to Boomers a lot!
@Thorn14: Google "list of things that took less time then duke nukem forever" its a funny read.
@GamerKT: haha! Below me
@jtanz0: you have to i hit the button a lot even when my clip is full. in fact i hate games that have the side gun command as hold reload.
I repeatedly hit the lower face button ( A or X) during loading screens like its going to speed it up.
@JPS: its earning your Red Wings here