
@idontcare444: the zombie leader of the third Reich. It's a propaganda film for Nazi zombie vampires.

i have a few college graduations to attend, but between those i'll be playing Brink on the 360. i still don't know if i even like the game!

oh yes, good old OHCMBF67

@SG-17: You have died of Dysentery.

This is the new Mountain Dew flavor tie in for the game. ..."Duty" flavored.

I heard it got delayed to June 1st :(

I heard if an Arcade Cabinet floats in water it will turn your children into pot smoking, punks who skateboard, have sex and listen to rap all day long. If it sinks its probably ok.

welcome Ezio, to the "Over the Hill & Kickin` Ass" club.

@Ejia: *force choke*

@Shinta: i think it retails for 49.99 usd

I'll lay money that this voided the warranty. ZING!

@GamingTheory: true it in a textbook.

@Wipeout: soooo gonna do this!

This almost hate mongering! cool down Kotaku its getting bad. None of the other big gaming news sites are treating this as non professionally as you guys. As far as i've seen that is. Class it up.

@MistahFixit: i thought the same thing when i saw the above picture.