
@Sir Beefychu: you cant go back to Constantinople. i heard it got the boot.

@Gort23: Wait did you say hats?! I can get hats!? Where are the Hats!? Give me my hats! Heres my money take it and leave the damn hats on the floor. get out! I want to be alone with my Hats!

@juxtapose519: I've never been a huge Valve fan. just never liked their games, But i must say I am in love with Portal 2. Them giving me free DLC is also just as amazing, hell i think I am going to invite them to my wedding!

Think ill change my GamerTag to XxXNigerianPrince420XxX

Oh no! they forgot to include a Morality Core!

I'm a straight male gamer and when i found out i could have a homosexual experience with a demon possessed mage i was all for it. this is a character in a game pal. its not real, its not going to make you less straight because you didn't "Bang" more then two women.

Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 are all in the living room. unfortunately i do not have enough room on my entertainment stand for all of them to be plugged in at the same time. so i rotate consoles, the PS3 being plugged in most often.

@eternalgamer: This probably includes screened- in porches, Florida rooms, and car ports. Growing up i always had my systems out in a shed under our car port. we would play some basketball when it wasn't our turn :)

@...And i'm a Snake.: Wow! This reminds me of the time I got suspended from middle school for having an ad for an Arby's roast beef sandwich, because it looked like a woman's roast beef sandwich

@gigawings: I hate that game. I just spend all my time farming gold.

four player co-op is the best time I have ever had in the shower! (was going to make a mushroom sharing joke but even i thought ew)

@big_erk: drink every time he says Rip-off or Sony, and if you really want to get suzzled drink when he says PSP as well.

@Roth: found this earlier today its not as friendly as a furby but still a nice start to our doom... []

@DigitalHero: i spent my whole friday off trying to find a copy of AFRIKA its just not here! so ill be doing some Uncharted 2 as well. #gametime