
You’re still not getting it. That’s not a tow strap in the video, that’s a snatch strap. Two totally different pieces of recovery gear. The snatch strap stretches, and is designed to stretch, taking advantage of the kinetic energy of the recovery vehicle. They’re safe and effective when used properly. Your lack of

Not to be a pain, but which is it with the kftlb..... a 2019 or a 2020.

Since Chevy’s grille designers are apparently blind, here are some better ideas about how it should look. Y’all are welcome.

How on earth is that legal in the People’s Republic?

Is it just me that thinks that the Road and Track photo of the back looks like a shitty 3D print? Maybe this is just to throw people off........

This x1000. Unless the real revolution is GM offering full insurance on whatever’s rented, this seems to me like a great way to have some expensive toys broken by some idiot. 

“Might have......?” How about “was liquefied by the McLaren’s tire.”

I don’t know how this has so few stars, but this has to be the best post of the past few days. Kudos to you sir. 

Dude that’s a totally different release....... how would the one to let you in yo the car be trapping people in the car?

Its a triple 7. The rectangular windows in the cabin doors are the giveaway vs the Airbus. 

Looks like it’s just the camo right.....? Right? 

I thought that was the joke. 

Let me get this straight. The Rubicon comes with KO2s, and the Moab comes with KM2s......? At least they went all in on The Mall Crawler special I guess.

If this isn’t the COTD I don’t know what is. 

At least it wasn’t an LJ

Counterpoint.... ideas like “abolishing ICE” are what turns moderates off to the Democratic candidates put forward. Its either stupid because they’re proposing that we get rid of those who enforce customs and immigration laws, or its stupid because they’re just suggesting that renaming the organization will make a

Is it news to anyone that its hard to fist bump someone after you’ve been run over by an F250 doing 5mph in a parking lot who confused you for a speed bump and bits of your brain are floating around in the pool of oil and gasoline leaking from your miserable excuse for a car.....?

I think this was supposed to be an answer.... but it wasn’t.

How in the hell can you compare a V60 with two bland hybrids.........?

It absolutely was. There were like a dozen people laughing in the background. And the laughter after the jokey sounding “better not fucking hit my truck....”