
LMFAO @ second sentence. hilarious!!!

Kill Yourself.

ha ha ha!! WELL SAID. Although I have absolutely no faith that RedScarab has the brain cells necessary to catch, let alone process, your satire/sarcasm.

Right?? how so..

holy shit! I can understand that point of view but um, I think you must be lost, then…. somehow you stumbled unknowingly into this forum…. where, interestingly enough, adults commingle and proceed to discuss varying aspects of an ADULT show with, (gasp!) adult themes…
er, em…um, have you actually SEEN the show called

Well put, totally agree!

Right?? Utterly repugnant and unnecessary. However, I very much appreciated your very worthwhile follow-up comment, Garaks! And I totally agree with your last paragraph. I find myself constantly nostalgic for for the first two seasons, due to their incredibly special qualities, and I must TA to your points on the

How old are you????? Do you know NOTHING about the world????? He clearly said this was a foreign country, third world, etc; many if not most are rampantly patriarchal/traditional (at least in certain pockets thereof) and have somewhat (if not totally) different approaches to many things!!! NO, dumb shit, in the 21st

Jeez, someone is a sad sack cynical OLD BAG aren't we???  Yeah Im sure he's just a pathological liar, with nothing better to do then to make up wild tales of life struggle to….entertain people on random TV show comment boards??????  Holy fuck b&tch, you got problems.

Hey dumbass, where did he ever say most of that shit??? Holy shit, go back and get your facts straight before blathering bullshit, OK??? Deal?? JESUS.

Perhaps I'm just being quite thick and something key has gone over my head, but is this by chance a clumsy attempt at some back-handed praise, irony, sarcasm…cleverness??? Or are you really as much an ignorant moron fuckbag as you here sound???????? (again…perhaps something flew right past me and I'm missing your

What a phenomenally moving and beautifully written personal story. Thank you, very much,  for sharing this!

Haaa, clever. nicely phrased…And how so. That was either very gutsy, or very foolhardy. Or just both.

This might be anti-climatic by now, but really, why are you putting down anyone's would-be writing on here?? And who the fuck are YOU??  Shakespeare?? Oscar Wilde?? F Scott fitzgerald? The Cloud-God of All Words who dispenses writing talents to all lesser mortals???  Holy FUCK….come off it mate. You sound ignorant as

Really sconn, don't you have better things to do with your time then peg the ever-living *fuck* out the Troll-O-Meter?? come on, Let's Go Get You A Life, I swear it won't hurt as much as you think………….

Whew!! awesome job man!! excellent overview.



Tried watching this.  Couldn't sustain any interest whatsoever. Who cares what really happens on a yacht with a crew size I can count on 2 hands? Now if they did a real documentary or reality series about the crew of a luxury cruise ship, that might be interesting.  This is just too small scale to perk my interest.

(In response to CFAmick) HA HA HA! I love it. Already sounds better than most ABC projects. lol.