Mountain Mama

“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”

Exactly! I’m klassy as fuck but you don’t hear me going around to everyone telling them how klassy I am. Because they can tell it just looking at me.

Because my non-lady brain will not allow me to stop overthinking things, after a great deal of thought I have come to the conclusion that dem is actually talented people (especially talented female performers). And she’s very worried ‘bout it. Obsessed with it really.

She reminds me of a girl my now husband, then bf cheated on me with. Even worse.

“I am so confused by this song. Probably because it’s been a long week and I fried my brain days ago but I can’t stop overthinking it...”

I am an unapologetic and longtime fan of Ryan Adams. He’s so prolific and so many of his albums are really great and listenable. I’d be hard pressed to pick a favorite. I know some people find him insufferable, but man, the music is good.

Oh I forgot he had a major feud with Jack White. OF FREAKING COURSE. Can’t find the thing I’m thinking of though. Even the internet eventually forgets these boyfights, thank goodness.

I also seem to remember, to tie it all together, an review Ryan Adams wrote of a White Stripes album in which he revealed himself to be unrequitedly (probably not a word?) infatuated with Meg White. At least that’s how I remember it. Going to look it up now.

Yes, I remember all of this! It was when I was still paying attention music and all the male drama associated.

Ok, so I went to see him one time in Omaha when I was about 24, and three things stand out to me. 1) I met him in person when I was out wandering around the record tables, and I asked him about falling off the stage and breaking his wrist, which was probably rude to mention 2) he threw his guitar into the crowd, and

“imagined as being in a position of power”

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

‘Sir, did you, or did you not, grab this woman by the pussy?’

This is so heartbreaking. I hate being complicit in this. I didn’t vote for Trump, I actively campaigned for HRC, but I am still complicit. We all are. And we should all feel shame today.

My feeling is, if you are sufficiently ignorant of history and context to the point where you say things that are indistinguishable from things an actual bigot might say, your lack of awareness isn’t really a defense against the accusation.

I guess if you ignore the context of having him fire two black employees with similarly clumsy racist remarks...

Given the other language as well?

Maybe that was her intention, but calling it black people food put the racist cherry on the top of that shit sundae.

Is it raining apples, bananas and tomatoes in that pic? Forgive me, but that's taking "tomatoes are a fruit!" a step too far—you never want tomatoes in your fruit shower.

Something tells me I'm not the only one who only clicked on the "very, very sexy bedtime" links and was a bit disappointed.