
You ever been to Alameda county? Nuff said.

You don't need a shifter when you only race an AUTOMATIC. See, it must be faster, it is "automatic". ;)

There is a video on youtube where a diver gets his thumb bit off by an eel (you can hear it pop off in the video). They replace his thumb with his second toe which seems to match a lot more closely to an actual thumb than the big toe. It does bend oddly and is a bit long but it's totally functional like an actual

I've used a 3x5 card or some random piece of paper angled away from the flash to bounce the light to the ceiling with pretty decent results. True, it's not pro lighting, but it's leaps and bounds above the direct light of a crappy tiny flash. It works well with my DSLR pop-up flash also.

No, water is denser than kittens. I've proved it several times through explosive testing.

And those poor suckers on the equator are totally screwed because their wine won't swirl either way.... In those cases it's best to just shake it in a martini shaker and drink it through a straw.

Guess I'm dumb but it doesn't mention that in the article or show that on the graphic- in fact the graphic shows the person using it on themself with their finger covering the large tumor that they just discovered by can't see anyway because the screen doesnt face them. :)

I'm not going to question the technology, what I question is the actual the design of the device itself as shown in the picture. Why would a screen be mounted facing away from the woman where it can't be seen while being used and will be covered by the person's hand? From a pure usability standpoint the screen should

I disagree completely with your post. But hey, that's my right!

Actually you are only partially correct. UCD PD officers are fully trained POST certified California peace officers with jurisdiction ANYWHERE in the state of CA. Their primary patrol areas are University of California campuses but they also provide the security for their other facilities associated with the schools

Except in this case the specifically said on the website that engraved items would not be returned.

I've noticed this failure of programs to close seems to be a "feature" of Windows 7. I recently switched back to Windows from OSX and was surprised now many programs no longer actually shut off when you click the little red X, or try to close them through the right click menu. It's one of the more annoying things I've

My feeling is that if Apple is going to just give me a refurbished model, they should refurbish the one I send in and send it back to me. They don't even have to "refurbish" it, just put in a new battery and send it back.

Yep...almost time to remove yourself from the gene pool so you don't have to suffer this kind of worldwide injustice.

They failed to mention that in survival situations the stock can also be used as a putter for survival golf.

Funny because I raised bees for years so I actually do know what I'm talking about. The smoke doesn't cause the bees to leave the colony- you obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about. Causing queen to leave the colony is disasterous, hence the reason most queens have their wings clipped to keep them from

You really couldn't be much more incorrect about why smoke is used on bee hives. It most certainly doesn't chase them out. It does however make them more alert and calms them a bit. Nothing worse than surprising an entire colony of bees by opening the top of their hive when they aren't expecting it. They don't

I don't know, DEW might be appropriate.... If you get hit by one you might DEW-DEW in your pants.

I imagine Snooki in space all the time.... I'd even pay to send her there right now... return trip not required.

I imagine Snooki in space all the time.... I'd even pay to send her there right now... return trip not required.