
Looks like something out of a zombie movie. Now if there is just some braised brain dip to go along with the chips....

Break hard and you'll be wearing an umbrella pole in your grill.

Dont get me wrong- that was a cool looking video. But from an ecological standpoint they couldn't have done the dam remove in a much worse way. How about a slow release of water empty the reservoir. The amount of erosion they caused, plus the amount of silt they flushed downstream from behind the dam is going to

Yes, but the guy who was injured was part of the Veterans against Wars group. Had nothing to do with the "99%".

Okay...I'm willing to compromise.... As long as it's one of those giant black sea bass.

That has to be one of the dumbest videos I've ever watched. Seriously, I don't think I'll ever get that minute of my life back.

Wake me up when it's small enough to mount on the head of a Hammerhead Shark. Then we can begin my diabolical plan.... *insert evil laugh here*

Apple told me that Siri is a real woman who will hold and comfort me even though my mother hates me. Thank you Apple, you are truly gods among men!

If you find yourself needing to pin a handcuff key into the back of your pants on a daily basis then maybe you need to reevaluate the way you live your life.

They don't need your password. There is hardware made that plugs into your phone and downloads all of the contents. It also isn't that much of a rush. If the information is REALLY needed, you phone will simply be seized and booked as evidence.

Keep believing that.

Except she's not calling him...she's calling the police.

You're right! Kinda like turning an "F" on your report card into an "A". My mom never realized I flunked out of high school!

"What is love? Siri dont hurt me, dont hurt me... no more...."

I owned a 1G until ATT cut off service for it. Last year they started sending me letters telling me they were no longer supporting it. Then they called asking if I wanted to upgrade. "Um, Not really, this phone works fine". Then they finally gave me a cut off date to pick up a new 3GS for free or not be able to use

I can't imagine it is anything useful. If you look at any of the real outdoor solar chargers out there at places like REI they are about 10x this size and still take an hour or two to charge a phone up.

Would really suck to send "certain" text messages to the wrong person.... Just saying... my wife may not appreciate some of the texts I send out.

The surface area of the solar panel is quite small. I'm wondering how long you would actually have to have your phone hooked up to fully charge it. I'm thinking in the real world, it would take several hours.

Mackerel tasted horrible though. Very strong and fishy with dark meat- not something I would want to buy to cook up for dinner.

We can live inside Pac-Man.... Wokka Wokka Wokka....