
They could have fit twice the advertising on the top.... just saying, better use of space...

Was supposed to be "Ron's Fat Ho's" but they didn't translate ghetto chat correctly.

Hey it's a good ad despite being creepy- as they say any press is good press. I'm now hearing about this Manhattan billboard all the way in CA. And now I'm thinking I want some chocolate pudding.... If it was just a normal ad that didn't get reposted on Gizmodo I'd still be sitting here wondering what to have for

The question is "How many ninjas crossed the border before the wire was discovered". Ipad smuggling was just a cover for a ninja invasion, I fear.

Recently saw a guy who was, according to him, an out of work locksmith. He had a complete set of lockpicks. I noticed that many of them were home made although all of them were of excellent quality. I'm wondering if a lot of locksmiths make their own lockpicking tools rather than buying them.

Yes but you are also paying for Mobileme so it's not really free is it, or am I missing something?

It has the Dunhill insignia on it meaning it will be priced at least 5x what it is actually worth.

I'd love to see the video that it was recording just prior to meeting it's mechanized maker. Traxxis should be proud- If I was still in the RC world I'd buy one tomorrow. Maybe when my son gets a bit older.....

"The cops are freaking out" because you have gathered an unruly mob that has closed down all traffic in the area and is vandalzing cars and throwing stuff at them. Those silly cops, how dare they take enforcing the law so seriously.

I've always had an ATT phone for personal use, but had a sprint work phone. I noticed that my coverage actually was worse with ATT where I live than sprint. With sprint I could call out from inside buildings and from valley areas by the nearby river. My ATT phone has absolutely no service in those areas for some

I realized that I started torrenting because none of to stuff I wanted to watch was streaming yet. Dexter was pulled right in the middle of me watching a season... and similar things happened with other series. Easier to just download them.

What exactly is the definition of a cyborg again?

NO Liam, don't make a stupid movie! You are one of my favorite actors... For crissakes I even named my son Liam.... Oh well...guess it's too late. I'll catch you on Netflix streaming in 5 years.

I'm trying to find it funny, but I guess I just don't get it. I'll climb back under my rock now.

I'm guessing this is a guy who never gets laid. If I were him I would have kept the photos and email passwords secret so I could at least keep the photos in the spank-bank for those lonely nights.

I have a couple of bird feeders that I purchased recently. I bought the "squirrel proof" feeders because the squirrels would empty out a weeks worth of seed in one day. Once the squirrels figured out they couldn't get into them, they went up above them and chewed through the rope that was hanging them up causing them

I guess my point is this Bieber- They made a huge deal when they released OS-X. Then they start attaching all these animal names to it. How about we either stick to numbers, or animals because honestly I don't care if I have lion, tiger, liger, or rhino- I just want to know how many versions I'm behind and if I really

I've always loved these USB/Swiss army knife devices since they produced the first one years ago. However, the price always seems to be about 5X the cost it should be. I actually priced this- I can buy the LED version of their small knife for $18.99. I can buy a 64 GB thumb drive for about $35. And yet VIctorinox

Of course the locomotive cost of attempting to run away with a battle axe protruding from your unarmored spine is even higher.....

I'll never be able to un-see that video now....every time I hear the song I'll be thinking of Grover as Mike-D.