
Many of us have one computer- a laptop. A cheap old Macbook to be specific. Now the cheap macbooks are gone, so it does affect some of us.

What's bad is that Apple lost me a couple of years ago with their naming scheme. I truthfully have no idea which OS I have.... Is it Lion? TIger? Leopard? For crissakes, I could have the Foaming Squirrel OS installed and not even know it. How bout we just give it some sort of silly number so I know which version I'm

I was thinking more of the plug voltage being screwy and burning up your device. I guess I'm just paranoid from my aircraft days...if you plugged something into the wrong power socket you could get 10 times the voltage you had planned to get and be rewarded with a smokey surprise.

I wonder if you were immediately hit with a cruise missile after breaking into their system if you'd keep it up. Some people just shouldn't be F-d with. And I'd say DoD is one of them.

I was craving what Europeans had for a while... then I went to Europe, sampled the wares, and came home. :) Oh, were we talking music?

Okay folks...educate me....

Received one from a Gizmodo member. Many thanks to the community!

If anyone has a spotify invite I'd really appreciate it. I wasn't into the Google+ invite scene but for some reason spotify seems like it would hit the music sweet spot and I can get away from Pandora finally. Email is bodybyguinness(AT) if anyone can share the love.

I didn't see that coming. :P

I've climbed a bit and am not sure what being "certified" indicates exactly....

He didn't "waste his arm". I'd try to explain it to you, but if your head is that far up your posterior it would just be a waste of my time.

I found a similar thing the other day when I went to check out. There were no staffed lanes open, self checkout was open but there was no clerk to fix things when anything didn't work properly. Three of the four lanes had people in them with the lights blinking for assistance.

Personally I find that self-checkout generally sucks when I'm buying groceries. Anytime anything goes wrong it requires a checker to help you and there is never one around so I sit there with the stupid light blinking until someone comes by to fix it. Anytime you buy alcohol a checker has to come over and verify that

It's only a driveway if multiple people park their cars in it at all times of the day and night.

No we have porn, we just have to look for it a bit more. ;)

I didn't even notice this was in Florida.... stuff like this happens all the time in California and doesn't even make the news. ;)

Geez the last thing I would want if I bought a remote untouched island is to go there and find a bunch of hippy artists hanging out.... I can't think of anything more irritating actually.

Funny, I grew up handling guns from the time I was a little kid and I didn't turn out any stranger than the average Gizmodo reader. One of the first rifles I ever fired was a full auto M-16 at about 10 years old.