
But we have Ikea now, isn't that helping?

Except they have those funny accents. Where'd they learn their english? :)

We actually had a dead tiger on a local freeway that freaked people out. It was actually already dead and the corpse was being transported to a local animal hospital for an autopsy, but people when crazy calling in about a tiger roadkill....

I can. It was a matter of policy that even military jets abided by- if you were hijacked, you did what the hijackers wanted because before that date nobody flew the hijacked jets into buildings. You didn't physically resist, you flew the idiots where they wanted to go and then you negotiated with them for whatever

Teachers don't make crap wages because they are underfunded, they make crap wages because there is more of a supply than a demand.

What's going on with gizmodo and their articles? The pictures don't even show the entire object featured.

I really love this guy...He scares the crap out of me... but I love him.

I actually think Lady Gaga is pretty talented. Her fashion sense is questionable, but I can't fault her music. It's pretty damned good club music, and I don't even like club music.

@Sora57: Doesn't the Ipad come with a suction cup mount? :)

Funny, in the military flying to Afghanistan the flight legs were 8 hours each over the Indian ocean. We used to cover all the windows with blankets to block out the sun so that we could watch movies on the laptop without all of the sun glare.

@Laodicea-Dude: My son has the red one that came bundled with Gods of War. It's pretty cool looking.

It was even cooler when that plane would fly around with an upside down jeep attached to the top of it.... although riding in the jeep was a bit scary.

Tea partiers are "butthurt" over defense spending? Didn't know that.

All weaves go to heaven....

I was thinking that with that many kids, it was the first time in 16 years he actually got to watch a show that he wanted to see.

I call shananigans if you don't use the tail rotor at least.....

I don't even know who xzibit is....I guess I should go kill myself now.

I really wanted to buy one of these after reading several articles about them.... then I went on to read the reviews on the companies website and the majority of the buyers on the site said they sucked.

@Hell_yawn: All of my LED flashlights are able to dim. It can't be too tough to figure out how to dim a houselight.

Then there is that whole other alternative of not doing anything illegal that would warrant a SWAT entry team hanging out at your front door..... In my 40+ years on this planet I have yet to have the police knock on my door.