
Why is it that Hawking has that "Dr. Evil" look to him in this picture. I half expected the article to be about mounting lasers on sharks.

I'm not talking about the number pads, I'm talking about the stick-on plastic signs all around the ATM.

You can easily defeat them with a water bottle. I also recently defeated a cat ambush using my 5 year old's squirt gun.

My local drive-up ATM's all have braille on them. Never made sense... but I guess you can't descriminate against blind drivers.

After reading the original article I must say this appears to be one of the dumber ideas I've ever seen.

This is wrong, all wrong. They have destroyed the proportions.... It should be three creams and two cookies.... and don't even get me started about mixing chocolate and regular cream in one cookie. It's an abomination.... Now where did I put those double stuffs so I can make my custom quadruple stuffs cookies....

Who said the squid wasn't going to have a helmet? Why do you think it took them so long to get the squid into space? The helmet design was tough!

Dammit we've been fooled again!

Even Osama needs to "whack the camel" once in a while.

Your process is crap. I was a starred commenter for months and lost my star for stating that Iran sucked (or something similar). Sorry if I dislike Iran, but it's something I can live with since they are the most anti-christian anti-democratic society in the works.

I've looked at Area 51 (aka Groom Lake) and the Tonopah nuclear test range plenty of times via sattelite. The images are close enough to identify individual aircraft on the ground at the base.

Oops...guess I should have watched more than 20 seconds then. :)

Love that apartment- I could totally live there. Why do I have the feeling that he still pays more in rent than I do for a 4 BR 3 BA house by a lake?

What's up with Youtube? I have to watch a minute long commercial to even start to watch this video? No thanks.

I'd have to see this thing in action but it doesnt seem very practical. It seems like you would always be right up against the top waiting for it to feed rope. Interesting idea, I'd like to try it out (once I wipe this nacho cheese off my greasy little hands).

Most of the towers where I live look like sickly pine trees. I give them credit for trying, but they look odd enough that you look at them and think "what is wrong with that tree?". Then you realize it's a tower, not just a half-dead off-color pine tree.

An obvious demonstration of your lack of intelligence.

Apparently you have never seen what happens when a motorcycle travelling at high speed t-bones a Honda Civic. Let me give you a clue- the motorcycle can make it all the way through the car.

For some reason that frightens me. :)

My local Ikea put in some actual working televisions. Just have to stock the fridge and make the toilet work and you'd be good to go!