Mountain Battles

"Presuming that the show does not wish us to root for incest, then it feels odd to see a story that to my mind sounds like a comedy, not a drama."

Sign me up for the (quasi-)lovefest for this show. I thought Jason Bateman was magnificent, but I'm a sucker for Beckettian acceptance of dreadful situations. And whoever the woman is who played Rachel should have her own TV show. Or network.

Gene Parmesarya!!

Thank you, belatedly, for the heads-up on The 100! I'd just finished Ascension (after just finishing Sense8—a rather odd progression, perhaps) & was absolutely in the mood for more sci-fi. The pilot is, I think, both unintentionally hilarious and genuinely awesome.

They're stolen by the mob and used as sunlight-reflecting mirrors, to prevent cargo planes, flown by ex-Soviet generals, from landing in the remote New Zealand forest and plundering a long-disused film set.

Joining in the chorus of disagreement with the reviewer's take on the extended final scene. I'm a pretty cynical viewer of TV in general, I think—and some of the dialogue on the show (though less of it, at this point in the season) makes me squirm in my seat—but that scene just punched me in the gut. I think I just

Update: after the third episode, I now think this is one of the best things I've seen in quite a while. Totally agree: heart & humor.

I was pretty unconvinced after the pilot, and am now pretty damned convinced after the second episode. It is weirdly uneven though: super-clunky writing (and acting) one minute, followed by passages where I think, 'Why can't every show be as smart and funny as this?' Not entirely unlike Babylon 5, then!

Those Libyan terrorists had a legitimate grievance against Emmett Brown.

I'm sure she doesn't love Saddam; I'm sure she's interested in him..

Any love for Mrs (Mme?) Costa and the actor playing her? I'm not sure what the reviewer means in saying that the character was "underserved", but it sounds critical. And, so I say, undeservedly critical. I thought the showrunners did a tremendous job making understated use of the actor. I especially like her ability

28 years old! Russians (and children) in jokes are always 28 years old!

Or Morse.

Loose lips … sink ships. Now that would be a scene to re-enact.

If only he was reprising Control…

Hey now.

I was just thinking about this! You could, perhaps being overly charitable toward the writers, read a remarkably dark message into her not noticing any differences. The dark thought being that the differences, at least from the point of view of day-to-day life, between her corporate state and a contemporary democracy

Amusing, if childish, game that sustained my girlfriend and me through the pilot: replace occurrences of "chip" in the dialogue with "dick".

Has the AV Club ever reviewed old Morse episodes? I know there's no immediately compelling reason to (no station showing them, not available to stream anywhere, etc.), but goddamn I would love that. It's amazing how well they hold up.