Of the mountain

It is Freedom of speech!
Fuck trump and all the other insane republicans and their insane agenda to destroy our country! 

Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971) - You can’t arrest someone for disorderly conduct for wearing a jacket that says “Fuck the draft”. It’s 100% exactly on point and directly from SCOTUS.

The key to it being a First Amendment issue is that it’s political speech. In Alabama the GOP will likely create stickers that say “Go ahead and fuck little kids like Roy Moore - 2017!”

Yeah, I must say- between attempting to silence football players peacefully kneeling for the anthem, and the legal inconsistency of this dingaling sheriff, conservative free speech purists who complain about liberal “snowflakes” are very, very quickly losing any credibility they may have once had.

Yeah, it’s weird to actually see a First Amendment violation happening for real, rather than some crybabies on twitter getting upset a corporate entity took a marker away from their name.

Fuck Trump

For anyone counting, this one IS a first amendment issue, what with the sheriff and that prosecutor saying they will try to bring charges. That is the government trying to suppress free speech (as opposed to twitter removing a checkmark, which is not). Now lets see those self styled libertarians on the alt!right

Fuck Trump.

What baffles me even more is the white bread and mayonnaise eating motherfuckers that think someone like Bannon and his boy Don really give a fuck about them? I don’t think rich people are really looking out for me, even if they agree with me on some politics. You gotta be a special kinda stupid to believe Bannon