
The key thing I was looking for in a 15" laptop was that it didn’t have a number pad, because 90% of the available 15" models are hamstrung by having a number pad, meaning your either sitting at an angle the whole time you use it, or it’s half falling off your lap to have the keyboard centered, and then you have to

Well, generally you would select tires with about the same circumference (within about 2-3%) when upsizing wheels on a car. You’re not usually going for increasing ground clearance and raising the center of gravity to try to reduce handling performance when you’re increasing wheel size on a car, unlike on an off-road

And the Golf R’s are a lot nicer to actually sit in and drive. I’d go Golf R. I just wish the new ones were still available in a 2-door. I’m 6'1", so I hate that the armrest is too short and the b-pillar blocks my peripheral vision in the four door. The two door is a much better driver’s car, especially if you’re

They would care because developers spend more time on games for the platform with the larger user base. They would care because when one console is the dominant platform, it makes it easier for that platform to negotiate for exclusives, since they’re already likely to reap the majority of sales for a title. I think

What’s really messed up is there’s 47 other anonymous idiots out there who have starred his post so far.

I think your first generalization is flawed. “First, meat production is bad for the animal.” It ignores the fact that without meat production as a purpose, that individual animal would not exist at all. It’s not like people are going to keep raising beef cattle for fun. Who’s to say that cattle would not prefer a life

Fully autonomous for under $5000? That’s less than the cost of a single DUI, not even counting the inconvenience of court hearings, jailtime, and points on your license.

Grumps Go Away! obviously. Now stop asking me these stupid questions and get off my lawn!

“The problem is when con men are able to claim they’re experts...”

Well he’s already talked about getting rid of freedom of the press. He’s talked about using stop and frisk as a means of confiscating people’s guns, and he’s threatened to throw the leader of the opposition party into jail if he gets elected. He pretty much sounds like he’s running for election as a dictator of a

Bah, I thought this was a Doctor Who post...

And yet, here you are complaining on a blog, about someone else complaining on a blog. Must be some really important other things you’re concerned with...

Which is exactly what they’re asking for, to be treated as equals. Unfortunately this school’s policies reflect that they do not believe this is so.

So basically they stole their big “twist” from Orphan Black, where I think that, although predictable, it was a satisfying plot twist.

Basically, at least one foot on the ground at all times.

Which is precisely the reason it seems so stupid. Why would you racewalk when you can run faster, easier? It just seems like this contrived sport. I guess a lot of our sports are contrived, but most don’t seem so obviously in opposition to what a human body is made for. Case in point: If you’re being chased by a

I wouldn’t have tried to catch that Pokemon either, look what happened to the last guy!

There’s a big difference in the seats. The Mustang seats seem like they will comfortably hold a 250lb guy in place in the corners, but if you’ve got more of a racer’s build, not carrying around a bunch of extra weight, the Recaro’s in the ST will provide a much more secure position for aggressive driving, instead of

It was someone who had spent a lot of money on cheats, not someone making the cheats.
