
Idk man, if people are willing to spend $20 for one hour of entertainment at a movie theatre, I really don’t understand how a 16-40 hour game at $60 is a hard sell. But for me, I pre-order on Amazon to get 20% off.

Idk man, if people are willing to spend $20 for one hour of entertainment at a movie theatre, I really don’t

Jezebel is literally the most sensationalist bullshit website on the internet.

Most soundtracks are awful can you get the fuck over yourself and your obvious idiotic anti-JT bias.

I think it’s time you take humble out of your Author’s description.

13 years ago is not “nowadays” hunty

Blatant racism aside, was he even a republican back then?

No it’s about a man-only space being marginalized because feminists have an enormous fevered ego.

I think it’s more about the blatant hypocrisy of women being allowed “women only spaces” and it being seen as nurturing and empowering and uplifting, but if men want “men only spaces” it’s dismissed as sexist, bigoted, toxic, etc. Rick and Morty had two quality seasons without a single female writer, and we won’t have

Maybe you’re conflating innate features of being Black with the cultural and societal failings of African Americans. Precious few think genetics make you inferior. Most people understand that it’s your culture dragging itself down.

Education proves that people can get the same outcomes if they show up with the same attitudes.

The irony of your comment is palpable.

TLDR Recognize that there are arrogant people of all genders and get the fuck over your female supremacist propaganda. Not every slight against you is a slight against your gender

You should be sorry since the idea that people of color are killed disproportionately to the amount of crime they commit is not only a lie, it’s racist propaganda.

Well the idea is that women as a protected class are committing class genocide on religious idiots as a protected class. But I say send everybody who participates in identity politics to death camps. Especially Muslim Feminists.

You’re a professional woman with a job who wanted to take a day off to throw a hissy fit for no fucking reason- and you want to talk about “professional behavior” ONLY a woman would feel this entitled

How do you dismiss Jezebel from the internet to rid the information superhighway of it’s anti-intellectual female supremacist propaganda?

Milo is wrong. Feminism isn’t cancer. RELIGION is cancer, feminism is just the unfiltered cigarettes.

It was a first step into a full blown oligopoly. The same politicians who decided on an individual mandate are the exact ones who push for anti-competitive regulations.

True women deserve all of their poor life decisions to be subsidized by the American taxpayer or else you hate this country.

Not with 12 million criminal immigrants funneling shit out of our economy.