About five seconds of watching Barbara and Jenelle is all it takes to figure out they both probably had absolutely terrible childhoods, and the only thing different about Jace (and Kaiser) is that we’re watching that cycle play out in real-time. These people need therapy. Even Leah, god bless her simple heart, who has…
Our public speech has consequences. I’m just glad that gaslighting the victim and causing our heads to explode with her fucking Schrodinger’s Rape theory wasn’t the only consequence for that shit-for-brains asshole.
What. The. Fuck.
Related: Years ago, a friend of mine here in France was married to a French high school teacher. They had a daughter. By the time their daughter was two, the wife left her husband because she suspected him of molesting their girl. She tried, during divorce proceedings, to get sole custody for this reason, or at least,…
he was also a Stanford athlete... part of the brotherhood. He absolutely had a conflict of interest.
Wait - if the judge is a Stanford alumnus, why was he allowed to try the case? Shouldn't he have removed himself from it because of his connection to the school?
Thank you. Two things can be true— we can acknowledge that this is more than most rapists get, while maintaining that it is insufficient. Additionally, I would argue that he WAS coddled, and the judge WAS lenient, because he’s a rich white kid, drenched in privilege. Let’s be real, black and brown rapists would never…
The Daily Beast said Persky “coddled” Turner; the petitioners said the sentence was “lenient.” Yet they’re both wrong. The truth is that Brock Turner will spend more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists.
Human rights violations, polluted water, unfinished facilities, hastily constructed (probably dangerous) facilities, kidnappings. All handy reasons to avoid the olympics this year. And THEN you throw a little Zika in the mix. This is a disaster from top to bottom.
Just got my notice: Since so many athletes / others are dropping out over Zika, I’ve been asked to go. Great.
I love* how, like, there is a major public health problem located in Brazil and we’re still sending people from ALL OVER THE WORLD to that place this summer. Olympic Money > Global Health Crisis.
I wish more people were skipping the Olympics because of the horrifying human rights violation that’s happening in Brazil right now, but I guess the Zika virus is just as dangerous.
Nothing “works” to keep someone sober. You work to be sober. There are tools that help. You know what doesn’t “work”? Not trying.
Focusing everything around booze creates a huge barrier to recovering addicts, religious abstainers, and voluntary non-drinkers. If you’re so dependent on alcohol to socialize, you’re willing to alienate people for it, maybe you need to read this article a second time.
Just adding: I think the way the NYT piece focuses on feminism as a newly discovered and barely surmountable obstacle to a wedding ceremony annoying, not the couple. You can continue to tell me to die in a fire in the comments.
wedding-industrial complex
Ugh, yeah, we need a new category, instead of bridezilla, for brides who think they’re doing everything differently and aren’t. I was one of those (I like to think, to a slightly lesser degree, but perhaps not); I was all, I don’t want to make my bridesmaids buy new dresses! I don’t want them to exactly match! Just,…