
Not entirely on my own merits, but after two weeks of flirting with hospital admission for preeclampsia, the doctor put me on blood pressure meds and they started working today. 117/77! We’re looking to make it to June, and this gives us a fighting chance.

You don’t think you’re a bad person, but at a 25% markup you might be wrong.

If you buy one of each item, that’s whatever. It’s more so the people who clean house and leave nothing for people trying to actually something at an affordable price.

This is amazing. I was just thinking, “Prince would’ve rolled around on the floor and made it look purposeful.” You gotta make lemonades out of those slippery lemons!


This scandal ruined my childhood.

I love how she just kind of gives up and lies there for a second, very relatable. AND she takes the mic down with her. Yeesh.

ouch ouch ouch, that ankle twist from the heels made me cringe.
How embarrassing, I do feel bad for her.

And, frankly, it’s so fucking low to diminish people for sex act everyone enjoyed. What if she liked having that dick up her ass ? Don’t be such an Amber Rose, Kendra.

“I know my recent posts were a little over the top and I apologize for that. Sticking up for me n my beliefs is hard for me at times. Sorry.”

We get it, Kendra, Holly is a happier, more successful, and more liked person than you are, and you will never forgive her for that.

I don’t even have a kid and I THREW DOWN one time when I was talking to someone who said that a woman had better LOVE every minute of being a mother, or they were a bad mother who should never have had kids.

Score one for Team Normalize Depression! It makes me so happy when celebs talk about it, I think it’s really brave.


Hello all,

Nothing Holly said prepared me for THIS. This is a whole new low from... well anybody, much less someone who did the same thing herself.

Post-partum depression, infertility and miscarriage are three things that affect scores of women and yet there’s still a bizarre sense of shame that many women feel when talking openly about their experiences. I’m always happy when people in the public eye work towards de stigmatizing topics that shouldn’t be taboo in

Nothing she says disputes what Holly said. If anything, it reinforces it. Having to be the “clean-up girl” would definitely make me live in fear.

In Down the Rabbit Hole (an excellent quick read, btw), Holly Madison said that Kendra was an extremely nasty person. And Kendra is proving Holly right with her tweets.

Hot take: Kendra Wilkinson is not a very nice person. She she should team up with Azelia Banks and pick Twitter fights with 14 year olds.