
She’s had so many hits already that I think we’ll keep hearing about her for a while. “22" has already become an anthem for countless people on their 22nd birthdays... “Shake It Off” has that same kind of easy timelessness. They’re both catchy as hell and quotable. That’s an assumption on my end though, not saying

Not loving the hair, Tay Tay. Not. Loving. The Hair.

I think we’ll be hearing about her for a long time. She writes her own music so even if people grew tired of her, other artists could sing songs she wrote for them.

Right. This is her exact quote about it from the Nerdist podcast. She doesn’t say it wasn’t him but she EXPLICITLY takes Jez to task for setting the internet mob on it.

I’m pretty sure Jen Kirkman explicitly denied that it was about CK, which seems like a big omission considering how pissed she was at you all for tying her to CK in the first place.

Blake Shelton negates anything I ever thought I liked about Gwen Stefani. He's just so boring, his boringness is spreading like a black infection through her entire timeline.

It’s like when Anthony Bourdain kept making fun of her in his writing and stuff, and she sent a fruit basket to him and his family. He ended up writing a surprisingly sweet blog post about how his kid really liked the oranges and stuff, and he’s been pretty chill towards her ever since.

Some people are going to rage about this, but this is kind of a point that needs to be made. All this overheated anti-abortion rhetoric absolutely has the potential to inspire unbalanced nutjobs like Dear. The anti-choice movement needs to stop behaving like it doesn’t, and that it isn’t responsible for what happens.

Not competent to stand trial but purchasing an AK-47 and a pile of other guns - A-OK!


omg right? what an unnecessary thing to tack on.


In real life any girl or guy you meet or start dating, could have slept with someone else before you met them. While its probably not good, to lie about it, it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

It would be an excuse to call me a whore.


My mother has worked in the film industry a long time. And, I sent her a link to the Kristen Stewart piece from Jez last night. And, this was her response:

Well, as a vet, I can tell you the brass say stuff like this every time someone get busted for being an asshat. The problem is not the ideal, which is valid, but the often-selective enforcement, which typically revolves around someone outside the situation making an issue out of it, as here.

God, I hate folks like that. They think that people raising the B/P fist are out to kill whites or something.

As Army officers, we are not afforded the luxury of a lack of awareness of how we are perceived.