
Shouldn’t this scumbag be in jail?


You’re confusing rescues and shelters with animal controls. Rescues will spend that money because they’re dedicated to a breed. Shelters and animal controls are just shooting for volume. The thousands of dollars was also a special fundraiser and not out of the budget. Enough people loved this dog that they wanted to

I sincerely hate them.

Exactly. The story didn’t pass the smell test. And they are terrible people. Countless women have had their lives ruined due to pictures or videos released by vindictive ex-boyfriends. But here you have this band who thinks their idea is just so interesting and original.

because of piracy


More proof that gender IDing bathroom users is the proper way to discourage sexual predators in this country.

It’s also a major cultural thing too. My husband and I completely hounded my immigrant in-laws to get their 2 puppies fixed. They literally told me they wouldn’t have babies because they were “brother and sister”. These are college educated people. They did get the boy neutered but the girl still is not spayed. A

Welp, I haven’t even read the story yet and I’m already mortified. This is my home county. I’ve met this man and heard him speak in grade school classes. This is a tiny, poor county. Grossly sad.

Two stars for spey/neuter comment! Most animal controls or no kill shelter offer spey/neuter services at little or no cost and it makes your animal live a longer healthier life!

Get your animal fixed people!

Evil is as evil does. Sorry, I know a lady who has 300 cats. It matters very little what delusional bullshit she tells herself, not to the poor animals, and not particularly much to me.

im an anti gun, pro animal welfare liberal... but maybe someone should go out and shoot the dangerous pack of dogs that the city is ignoring? too late now.

Get your animal fixed people!

police said they seized 59 dogs and eight horses from the home of Melinda Vinzant; they also found “several” dead dogs on the property.

Right? She’s not important enough that she gets to preview her music video before it goes live... but she IS important enough to have it immediately yanked? uh huh.

I 100% refuse to believe she didn’t see the video before it was released. This is a classic publicity stunt. It fits into a popular media and cultural narrative, promotes her new single/album, and feeds classic tropes (big mean label versus artist).

Smells like a publicity stunt to me.