
This is easily the most assholey thing I have ever read. Only people with mental illness can be lazy? Or other people can’t be lazy because it makes you feel bad about yourself? What in the everloving fuck gave you that idea.

Uh, the Kickstarter I’m backing is doing really well and I ordered a new camera lens today? I don’t know, I’m boring.

How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.

Why wouldn’t it be.

Pro-tip for the uninsured/underinsured mamas-to-be: After you open that first envelope with a bill for eleventy kabillion dollars, like I did after my pre-eclampsia stay, my c-section, and our NICU stay, call the hospital’s billing office and request an itemized bill. Then, contest everything on that itemized bill

The point is that he’s hopeless with women and doesn’t get it. There’s even a point in the movie where someone tells Michael Cera that he should hook up with his crush because she’s drunk. He says “isn’t that unethical?” and the friend says, “Not if you’re drunk, too.” So he gets drunk. Now that wasn’t *perfect* but

thin you say:

As an actress, I don’t really have an opinion of her. I honestly haven’t seen much of her work. She was an amazing philanthropist, though. During WW2 she worked as courier for the Dutch resistance and danced for secret fundraising events. After she retired from acting she was the Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF and

No, she was a bad-ass, incredibly enlightened humanitarian. Audrey forever.

It’s because Audrey Hepburn is Peak White Girl*, and therefore the biggest possible compliment they could give to Lupita.

I have a feeling Vogue thought they were being really awesome, comparing Lupita to Audrey.

A new Bae has come.

Seth Woken

Dunno. Maybe because it’s a full-time job? /idlespeculation

She probably really likes someone taking care of her physical and financial well-being since she has proven in the past that she doesn’t always make the best decisions. I’m sure the court has questioned her on that too. Also, paying her dad $130,000 per year to do it doesn’t seem unreasonable considering the amount of

Sounds like what homegirl really ought to have, if she does in fact like having someone else manage her money, is a trust with a disinterested trustee (or just a fucking accountant/financial manager?!), not daddy as conservator. It didn’t even occur to me that this conservatorship still existed until I saw this

I think we do a major disservice when we depict animals like chimpanzees as basically people and tigers as large house cats and so forth. Most people have no idea how dangerous chimpanzees are, that they wage wars against other groups and literally tear enemy chimpanzees apart. There are light years of distance

One observation about that. The couple did not get pregnant. The woman did. I hate that “we’re pregnant” shit. She’s pregnant. He’s not.

A married couple we know recently got pregnant, and sent my wife and me an online survey to rank potential baby names.

I think it’ll be fun to fuck with people on the internet by prefacing everything with “Millennials won’t remember but...” and just make shit up.