
I use fishing line for stuff like this. I also like how it's clear, so unless you are really looking for it, you won't see it.

Answer: The current exec. chef is Alain Ducasse; he is a citizen of Monaco. The TV show "Sex and the City" was set at the Plaza Athénée. (2 minutes to find).

Replying to promote. Nice.

It sucks, you can't do it out of the box. But there are addons:

Not needed, but it will refresh by not reading from the cache. Regular refresh does.

Meh, kinda. I saw "snag a large clay flower pot" and just checked out after that. I suppose you could swap out the foam for wood.

It's a clay pot, not foam.

+1 replying to promote!


"Clean, simple, fast"

Developer: James Paige

Not totally disagreeing, but you are arguing an opinion with an opinion...

VOTE: Dropbox

Replying to promote since the button doesn't work :) Good tip!

Probably not original, but I like brown paper or comics from the sunday paper.

Not coming down on you, but is that really fulfilling? The world is much bigger than a screen, IMO.

Yes! If only everyone took this stance.

Stop thinking that because you can do one or two things allows you to do ONLY those things. For one you will not ever be challenged and two, you come off as a dick.

No, you can't define your own colors now.

Just though I'd put it out there, that Gmail now has nested labels. It's a feature I've been wanting for a loooong time!