
It was only a matter of time before podcast apps joined the fray and started streaming to the Chromecast. So far, Pocket Casts seems to do the nicest job of it. While the app costs $4, which might be a turn off for the casual podcast listener, the app is pretty robust. However, we're still waiting for our favorite

Nashville, TN

I respectfully disagree. The way the human body breaks down a carbohydrate is unique; extremely simplified, carbs become sugar when broken down. The pancreas secretes insulin which allows the body to use the carbs (now sugar) to be used for fuel.

If you're looking to lose weight, the #1 thing to look for on a nutrition label is Carbs. Stop eating so many carbs. I did a few months of low carb (~30g-40g per day) and lost 30 pounds in about 3 months.

Braxton Miller leaves freshman walk on hanging... it's ok - he just had an itch anyway.

I thought "Kurt Caselli’s Last Ride" by Alyssa Roenigk was a thoughtful, factual piece about a tragedy that just occurred in the off-road world.

I tried making a baked potato soup. It had the consistency and texture of Elmer's glue. There wasn't enough bacon or cheese to save that stuff.

I thought this too at first. But having LP integrate into Dolphin browser (I'm on Android) as well as having my password vault available for phone apps (bank, for instance) makes it easy to copy and paste login credentials.

Beautiful, quaint & loving Toledo, Ohio.

Those are really good ideas that I've not heard of before. Thanks!

Super simple. Put on some water to boil and while that's going, grind the beans. Dump them in the press, add water, let steep (3-5 minutes, more time = stronger brew), plunge and drink.

VOTE: Chemex

Same here. I bought it thinking I can do a bunch with it, but haven't done anything more than disable / enable wifi + data :)

Ugh. I just bought this 3 days ago at full price. /fail

Adam - do you think the audio clues would be enough to use this app when riding outside rather than stationary?

Also, add a piece of bread to the container to keep the cookies from getting hard. The bread will go stale and the cookies won't!