
Did you read my first sentence.... how do you think that Mackie is scared to be perceived as gay when he has already kissed another man for his role in “Striking Vipers.” Someone who was worried about that wouldn’t have agreed to that part and that scene.

From Wikipedia

As the article mentioned, he wasn’t uncomfortable when his character is actually gay.... like in Striking Vipers... To me it sounds like it just like how it’s possible for a male and female to be extremely emotionally close platonic friends without sexual innuendo, it should be possible for two guys to be close and

So.... the problem is less about what’s behind the screen... and more about needing to do a better job communicating with your gf on how to use earbuds so you don’t have to listen (or negotiating a mutual accepted video watchlist?) 

I mean, if you don’t like fish... but your girlfriend cooks fish in the microwave, you

Because every once in a while, witness decide to be extremely hostile... search on Youtube for “What is a photocopier?” and see an actual court deposition transcript.

You said you didn’t see the point about “what the point” of him saying China is large... the point is that like the US, it is large enough that it is useful to have a large national highway system.

I agree that China shouldn’t repeat America’s mistake in become completely reliant on cars for transportation... but for

According to Wikipedia the continuous-48 is 2,959,064 square miles (Alaska being 660,000 sq miles for a total of 3.7M or a 3% larger total compared to China). China overall 3,624,807.... Gobi desert is ~500,000 sq miles. Taiwan is a paltry 13,000 sq miles... so China minus Gobi desert and Taiwan is still ~3,1000,000

I agree that China has overbuilt their infrastructure... but for better or worse... for now they deem their heavy industry/construction as “too big” to fail... so just like we dumped billions of dollars in the SLS rocket to keep the space-industrio complex running... for the near future China is happy to dump money

What are you talking about... China is pretty close in size and if you exclude Alaska and other non-contiguous territories, is actually large in area. I always feel sad about how my fellow Americans have poorly geography language skills (we are basically the only develop country that is not at least conversational in

It isn’t actually necessary to drive to get around. In a series of random events, my parents ended up with an apartment in Beijing over a decade ago near that 6th ring road... since then, they visit China twice a year for like 2 months at a time. Using Beijing at their home base and traveling to various other cities.


That might actually be a feature, not a bug in a state-planned economy like China’s. For better or worse... a huge part of China’s economy is heavy industry and construction and it needs projects to keep those workers employed.

I don’t personally like her music, but I don’t see why you believe yourself to be some kind of Dr. Luke/Simon Cowell sole arbiter of talent in believing just because you don’t like her... she must be talentless.

I mean she apparently came to fame due to a self-produced song she and her brother made for a local Dance

As a Tesla owner ... I also find Tesla zealots really insufferable and cringey as TSLAQ people... I don’t even need to listen to the interview because I experience it all the time when taking to other Tesla owners... there is always one (probably more than one) in the group.

With that being said, I think it’s part of

Now playing

I was about to agree with you with this being overly dramatic and I realize the author mis-queue the video, ~34 before that point in the video it shows the Tesla (at about 5:00) the Tesla has a big gap, but it too indecisive and takes several second too long to commit to the turn, just as it finally starts moving into

You seem to be missing the point, which is that this woman appears to be exploring her personal kink, for her own gratification/satisfaction.

Realistically, do you think that having young males being able to gawk/take photos at what is likely an unrealistically attractive model exposing herself is really going to improve normal social/sexual relationships?

It was a fake video to promote Ebay and Dominoes pizza (search for “MacKenzieheartsu” to find the original videos and see that she end up buying a blue car on Ebay and selling her Red cars for 9.99 to buy a “large Domino pizza with <toppings>“

What if this is not an overturned truck, what if it is just stopped or slow traffic? Presumptively the car is programmed to not slam into it at full speed. Does an alarm go off saying take control? Is the advertised operation procedure that the car does not stop on its own? 

I’d guess when you see it’s not moving out of the lane with a fucking overturned truck blocking it?

As the article mentioned, it’s well known that Autopilot has trouble with stationary objects since it doesn’t have LIDAR. So whenever there is a stopped object in front.