The specs are nearly identical between the 5a and the newest Motorola phones, and the Motos are $100 cheaper. So what is really the advantage of the 5a vs say the Motorola One Ace?
The specs are nearly identical between the 5a and the newest Motorola phones, and the Motos are $100 cheaper. So what is really the advantage of the 5a vs say the Motorola One Ace?
Sure, I totally agree that “smart” (which general just means internet connected) devices are generally unnecessary you don’t generally need to remotely monitor/control your washer/dryer, fridge, toaster, belt, deorderent stick holder (yes the last two exist apparently).
I mentioned that in my previous post.
The current debate topic is whether software controlled appliances is ever useful or not. If you agree it could be useful, than it stands to the broader argument. We all agree that about the (possibly intentionally) poor design of the Taylor machines, but that isn’t intrinsic to software controlled versus mechanically…
My statement stands. Far too many devices have gone digital that never needed to be.
I get that, but it doesn’t need software. Simple electro-mechanical timers have been reliably doing that for a century and are dirt simple and cheap to replace when they fail.
If you had done what illrigger said and learned more about the machine in question... you would know that it is a rather fancy machine that overall is much cheaper than a “dumb” soft service machine. In particular it son’t need to be cleaned and there is very
As the article states the book is a “retelling of the rise of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history.”
This is basically an alt-history story like of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” or “Crooked” where Nixon was secretly fighting Russian, Chinese, and American wizards and necromancers.
The linked medical article mentioned she also has tuberculosis along with “history of opioid use”. I just feel sad for that person as clearly they aren’t the brightest of individuals... or have much impulse control.
I might say a little bit more about you... than the technologies in question. I mean porn industry was at the forefront of using video tapes, DVD, Bluray, internet, streaming video, and video chat... but that doesn’t mean those thing don’t have other uses.
So I text it to you.
I don’t use Airdrop a lot... but I’ve found it useful in a few circumstances.
Google don’t be like Apple. I don’t like the idea of limiting features to only one phone. It should be made available to all phones, so that we can have choices of which phone to buy and not be forced to use one model of phone.
The video of part of an DIY-tech entertainment Youtube channel who tagline is “Comedy, Technology, Existential Dead” sort of in the same vein as self-proclaimed “Queen of Shitty Robots” Simone Giertz or Mark Rober’s Anti-Squirrel Bird Feeder or Amazon Porch Pirate Glitter Bomb.
This is actually my 2nd reply, not sure where the 1st went but I did notice that most of the “pending reviews” are light hearted or on the guy’s side.... whereas the aggressive nutjob hate-filled reviews are seemingly “approved”... wonder why?
It’s a skit... he devoted the first 5 seconds of the video to explicitly ridiculing himself (or the persona he was playing). Why you are so upset about a character he played and the fictional events that are portrayed in the video he made.
Sure, I don’t think that video was particularly well made, but why are you so harsh/angry about it? It was a skit he and his friends did (as noted every single person in the video was a voluntary participant). Are you some everyman TV critic?
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics
To be honest... I was unsure whether to call it a “satire” but when I looked up the definition... it feels it could sort of apply since it is loosely mocking overly territorial homeowners for entertainment purposes... like the Colbert Report was a satire of conservative personality-driven political talk programs
I would agree... if I hadn’t actually watched the video and realized in the first 30 seconds of the video that’s it’s a parody/satire. Doing 30 seconds of research (i.e. clicking and looking at the Youtube description) confirmed my suspicion
It’s satire... anyone watching the first 30 seconds of the video would have been tipped off by the fact that the Youtube sprays himself with the sprinkler as well as tear up his grass himself. Youtube description is tagged with #mischief and explictly says