The Creepy King

Thanks for keeping me posted with up to the minutiae on Chance the Rapper, internet! I mean, AV Club!

Do you think there's a nude scene? I'd do anything to see her topless.

This show is still on the air?

How does a traditional newspaper article qualify for "great job, internet?"

I'm 90% sure I saw Fairuza Balk alone in a gondola from my hotel balcony during my Venice honeymoon in 2010. I thought about calling out to her to be sure, but then I realized I had no idea how to pronounce Fairuza.

As much as we all love Jimmy, he has completely screwed Kim. He backed her into a corner and forced her to make a split second decision to side with him in his criminally fraudulent activity. And while she has maintained her own plausible deniability, she knows the truth and is no longer a lawyer who always does her

In a bout of optimism / naiveté, I tuned in tonight hoping the
writers would have taken last season's criticisms to heart and improved
the writing. Instead we get this season 2 episode 1.

This song… it's… it's… terrible.

Upvoted 4 years in the future. I finally got around to watching the show and just finished the series. Wish there were 5 more seasons.

Early King's X (first 4-5 albums) were great DESPITE having heavily spiritual lyrics in the first 3 albums especially.

Star Trek: The Last Generation

Apparently nobody.

I call shenanigans on that linked article regarding energy drinks. Almost half of the examples listed are in relation to Four Loko, which is now illegal. The other examples are about people with pre-existing conditions or who are stupid enough to drink 4 cans in one sitting / day. I'm not going to pretend Monster is a

Did you ever notice Megan Fox's thumbs? She has gross thumbs.

Finally! In all honesty, I've wanted to see those two onstage together for the longest time.

On one hand, the entire premise of this shtick is unfair, in that there has been a LOT of fluidity in global borders over the past few decades, and keeping track of the latest arrangement of eastern European countries (especially former Soviet Republics) is only relevant to Americans when, say, Russia decides to flex

Here, here…



It's kind of silly to airbrush out the logo on the crown, isn't it???