Right, the real-world fuel economy numbers is what we really care about.
Though scoring 33 MPG on the label is a feat.
Right, the real-world fuel economy numbers is what we really care about.
Though scoring 33 MPG on the label is a feat.
Stars for you, your son, and the scout troop.
Somebody’s 40K army just got annihilated!
The same applies to being a Lyft and Uber driver. You can start and stop driving whenever you want. You will not get as much money, but then again, it was never designed as a full time job.
Was probably an assembly error, not a design error.
It’s a nice Discovery.
I hope that driver was suspended.
He should have Dodged those wires.
It depends on the Caliber of driver
What if the car was driven remotely to pick you up... then YOU drive the car to your destination, get out, and then it is remotely driven away? Feel any different?
So, basically the worst of everything. I’m supposed to believe that someone not in the car, probably hundreds, if not thousands, of miles from me is going to care about getting me safely to my destination more than watching porn or eating donuts? On top of having worse situational awareness, no direct analog inputs…
Wheels, tires, body panels, glass, brakes, lights, interior, etc., etc. are all valuable and don’t phone home. Probably even the battery pack / motors.
It said it right in the article that he considered using the Obama era regs if California would agree to dropping their special status. Which BTW, would eventually mean we could probably have kei cars in California without needing expensive BS paperwork and testing every single time someone wants to get a Honda Beat.
If there were price controls, yeah, but since they can charge whatever they want, not really. If fuel efficiency goes up 10%, prices will go up 12%, if efficiency goes up 50%, prices will be up 60%. The oil companies would be stoked, less pumping, more profit.
Let’s call a spade a spade. Most of this is California being it’s typical self aggrandizing self. The automakers had to legally comply with California regs anyways. The Trump administration would have to first find a way to reverse that.
My plan to weather the next recession is that all-you-can-eat pasta card from Olive Garden.
I was really looking forward to Alfa’s return if just to break up the gray monotony of BMW Camrys and Mercedes Highlanders around here, but you are way more forgiving than I am if 80 days downtime in 14 months is acceptable for a high priced sedan in the 21st Century because it’s first year of production. This is from …
What turbos?