
The guy can't control how is name is written in a review. Grow up!

They were great in 2012 and they've only had one line-up change since then, AFAIK.

How the hell is What Happens Next "compromising, middle-of-the-road, s-a-f-e", especially compared to Content, let alone Hard or Mall? And when did good production become a sin? And the album title isn't a question, it's a statement. This is what happens next and I'm all for it.

I'm sorry but if you think Hard is better or more worthwhile than this, then that's just sad all by itself. This album is way better than Hard, Mall or Content. It's possibly better than Solid Gold and maybe Shrinkwrapped, too, but it's a bit too early to be sure. What is certain is that it's a brilliant album.

Interesting bunch of whining from know-nothings who haven't even bothered to listen to the album, aided by a review clearly crafted to appeal to their prejudices. Fuck Jon King, his vocals lost their edge in 1980. Gang of Four has always been about Andy Gill's guitar and this album is a tour-de-force for that very