
Holly shit! Who knew Canadians allowed inbreeds from Detroit across the border? See, this is what happens when you let those cretins in. Keep our retards away from Canada - some of us more intelligent folk may want to migrate up there one day, when it gets hot enough to make Halifax the new Miami Beach.

The year is 2024. Putin and Medvedev are sitting behind a table in a well-apointed futuristic kitchen. Putin, stuttering asks "Dima, so which one of us is the Premier now?" Medvedev, slurring: "Uh, I think it's still you, Volodya" Putin: "Excellent, then it's your turn to go on a beer run. Here, take keys to my

It's not a bias, it's called "taste" and/or "preference". Fact is that GM had plenty of opportunities to take my cash and wasted them all. I came in for Blazer truck back in the day but the car was so sluggish and slow and unpredictable in steering, I decided to spend extra 5 grand but get something that performed,

Is there any recourse in such situations? I understand that constitution is a piece of paper anyone with a badge can wipe their ass with at a whim. . However, destruction of personal property? That's a bit overreaching, ain't it? I'd film that shit and take them to court for reparations. Fuck that shit, fucking

Good luck finding one that hasn't been mollested and frankensteined to utter crap, like most of these cars. I was searching for a used RSX Type-S and must have looked at 200 cars before finding 1 that was only MILDLY modified.

Because GM.

I'm curious to see a repair bill for any of these. I bet it would be starting at same price point as an all-inclusive trip to Hawaii for a family of 4 for a week... from UK

aaaaaaand to remind Jalop: tomorrow is the birthday of Austronaut 1 - Yuri Gagarin.

I was going to say something to retort.. and started GISing her younger pix... but googles failed me. All I would find was Russian equivalent of Maverick and Ice(man)woman.

<<—-.......aaaaaand then there's that, which states: "My cooking is delicious, I don't talk much, I don't have a headache".

She was also nearly killed when a limo she was in was mistaken for the one with Brezhnev and was fired upon. Bonus balls of titanium points: They continued to the ceremony, only "slightly delayed".

Zee seif verd iz "fluggaenkdechioebolsen".

But did he "test drive" Catrinel? I didn't think so.

Thanks for the explanation. Kind of figured... I just didn't realize there was such a huge premium for such utilitarian appliances and moreover shocked that such an apparent commercial void hasn't been filled by FoMoCo and GMs of the world...

Can someone with a still functioning drool-free keyboard explain the allure of this conveyance? Not trolling. Seriously do not understand the fascination and a forrest of car boners it set off.

Ok, last one. Oleg Cassini AMC Matador

Suup foo, just ate one of dem angry birds, yo!

Or Acer Ferrari

Uno mas. Camaro Transformers Edition

See yours and raise ya!