
You convinced me. I'll take 2. :rolleyes:

That's cute but I don't care what you drive and no need to see the pictures of it either.

No, that would be hypocritical. However, for the same MPGs you can get a lot more comfortable, better looking, and faster car. Stick a low MPG poor efficiency V8 into an oversized, overweight monstrosity ain't a technological feat in my book. Therefore deserves no tear to be shed in honor of it's demise.

There are tons of jobs that get eliminated due to progress, changing market conditions, etc. To expect your job to remain for eons is at best myopic. I don't expect mine to last me until retirement and that's why I'm planning accordingly.

Brown ring? Goatse-fanclub piece of art? Layers, like ogres?

or this

I'm assuming yours is in a ceramic tea kettle perrywinkle? Mine is in Yaris Pink.

You pull that and in 5 seconds it blows up.

one must be very passionate about crack pipes and FORDs. that takes a special sort of redneck with a helluvalot more money than sense. I'm sure they'll find plenty.

That's a fancy looking crack pipe. Let's see, what can I buy for that much money... Hm. Lambo? yes. R8? yes. GT-R with some spare change left for a CL63 AMG as a daily? Sure. Jag? Yup. GT3? Uh Huh.

Where's the CP button? this one deserves one size of Manhattan. No, I don't care what you tell me. $100K Ford? Only if it's a GT. Otherwise, no sale, crack pipe.

Oh cry me a friggin river... sentimentality is a roadkill on a highway of progress... oversized gas guzzler that every senior owned or knew someone that owned.

yeah... only if one could keep it out of the shop long enough to enjoy it! Maybe my memory is fuzzy but all I remember is is commuting to/from shop for yet another repair. Actually, on few occasions I got to ride shotgun in the towtruck too! I finally got tired of such awesomeness and my lawyer + 3 arbitrators decided

Someone get on the phone with Pauly D, STAT! His ride has arrived! For the rest of popped-color-of-my-pink-shirt-LESS population, this might as well be in "arrest me and my crack-pipe" yellow...

And they spinnin mothaf..ka, they SPINNIN!!! And they spinnin mothaf..ka, they SPINNIN!!!

Trying too hard. COTD material should be more "organic"... this one seemed clearly aimed so.

psssttt.... Hey, Lambo: you forgot to take out ye olde butte plugge out of this Gillette Mach 3 contraption...

Many a mechanic could afford to buy a beach house, a yacht, and some in audi-rich areas have been known to own an island or two, all thanks to audi's "legendary" reliability. carbon build-up, you say? that would be $3K please.