
Art if you are looking to move out of your 2002 please let me know. I noticed it has California plates, so you can’t be too far away from me in SoCal.

This car was built for Luftgekult. If you don’t know what that is click on the link to read my write up on the event. I have personally ridden in it and I can attest to how amazing it is in all conditions. It is the ultimate 911 for daily driving. I loved it so much I created this art work above from a photo I took of

I know this may be an odd concept as BMW is one of the only brands to do it, but with all new BMWs the first 4 years / 50,000 maintenance is included(as in free with purchase of the car). Also you can extend the warranty and maintenance to 6 years / 100k miles at the time of purchase or anytime before the warranty is

The Louisiana Supreme Court recently denied the state’s attempt to collect sales tax on the sale of an RV to a Montana LLC. Thomas v. Bridges, No. 2013-C-1855 (La. 2014). The LLC was formed for the sole purpose of avoiding RV sales tax (saving the buyer as much as $47,000). The state argued that the LLC veil should be