
Not everything needs 300hp. My car has less than 300 hp and can more than scoot when I get on it. My wife’s car has ~150hp and rarely do I think it needs any more than that.

As much as I love my car’s S65 engine, it’s actually from the previous decade.

I do think it’s important to uphold certain aspects of brand identity when reusing a name, but Hummer really doesn’t need to be synonymous with gas guzzling. Hummer can absolutely be allowed to go green while maintaining the iconic elements and physical traits that make a Hummer a Hummer.

It’s easy to mock, but let’s be honest, there are plenty of active volcanoes around the world that are tourist attractions precisely because there is an extremely low chance that it’ll erupt while you’re on it. People like the adrenaline from putting themselves at risk. That’s why theme parks and extreme sports exist.

It is kind of interesting to consider how a bunch of the ridiculousness of this thing is based on trying to solve the production and support issues that have plagued them in the past.

It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

I chuckled, even though it isn’t always true. The E55 AMGs are actually very reliable. Of course, it had supercar levels of technology and performance for early 2000s, so it’ll cost the same in parts. If you’re buying one, It’s like buying an older Porsche or something else, the costs are expected.

And even then, these ‘55 motors don’t ever really explode.

I live in WI, the state that’s tied for 4th with the most drivers with a OWI/DUI on their record. I’ll take some well-prepared person doing something like this on the highway over the average drunk on residential side streets any day.

The 17 year old in me thinks this is pretty freaking awesome. The 37 year old actual me... still.. thinks its awesome. Just, really stupid, and really reckless, and no one should do it. 

Frankly I would much prefer to have Alex on the roads than many/most everyday drivers. He’s at least planning, paying attention, etc. Not sitting in the left lane going 10 under, changing lanes wildly without signal, or driving a car on bald tires with metal pads for brake material.

I got goosebumps reading this. I remember seeing the Polizei Bimer on the gumball special that jackass did(surprisingly great episode). And I just thought, god, I don’t care if I end up in jail, that looks like a shit ton of fun.

Hard to get worse

4 miles? what about a bicycle ?

Classic Jalopnik. No motorcycle racing coverage unless there’s a gnarly crash.

Motorcycle racers > any other vehicular motorsport racers

who hurt you? 

This guy, Hirakawa, is the outgoing President of STI and is incredibly charming and nice and badass. He came on this trip just because he was in charge when the S209 was in development. I don’t think he had to be there, but I’m glad he came.
