
#5. I beg to differ. 4WD makes a huge difference. It doesn’t make you bulletproof - but I keep hearing people say “it doesn’t help you stop or turn”. It *does* help you stop, and turn. You stop better, because as weight transfers forward when stopping, the back tires will continue to turn with the front even if they

Most of the doors that I interact with in public don't have handles either.

Of course, you could step on the flusher as you walk out the stall...

Beth - I'd invite you to come stand in a mens room sometime. I would say that more than half of men don't wash after using the lav. That would pretty much guarantee that if I touch the door handle, I will pick up nasties like fecal bacteria and have them riding around on my hands until I wash them.

Using a paper towel to open the door after you've washed your hands sounds like a good idea, but if you just crumple the towel afterwards (and especially if you then stick it in your pocket), the germs will still get on your hands

I'd like to see more (get it?)

Well then, I apologize. Sorry, but I just see people who seem to be trying to hypermile or something like that, rolling up very slowly to lights as much more of a nuisance than somebody hot-rodding it from light to light. In my perfect world, everybody who wants to be faster than me is in front of me, and everybody

If the commute in your area predictably gets heavier as the morning progresses, then leaving 10 minutes earlier can make a huge difference.

Well, if the light is demand actuated, then coasting slowly up to the light might make you (and all the poor souls behind you) wait longer - since most demand activated lights won't sense you creeping up to the light. (the signal won't change until after it senses a car).

Just drive normally. Stop with all that clever

I realize this is a link from Instructables, but is Lifehacker responsible for injuries caused by bad ideas?

Look, I'm all for people making bad choices, but you do realize there are consequences to bad choices right? Why would you actually *help* people do this?

Compressed connectors on Micro usb... these things are crap in general... why in the world did the industry go away from mini-usb? In hundreds of cables, I've never seen one fail. Micro USB on the other seems like even the cables that come with the phones prematurely fail.

That frame looks very rough

Lineuppers make the problem worse for everybody behind them.
Think this way: Start with 10 cars in two lanes. (We'll call them the persistent lane and the ending lane) Lets say 2 lineuppers move over, adding two cars to the persistent lane. Everybody in the ending lane moves up ahead. Now there are 12 cars in the

Thank for you for this article.

I visited the other day, and I discovered that they went out of business in July. Some subsidiary has taken over the website, and here is what they say:
"Over the past few years, X10 WTI the parent company of has had to deal with a multitude of challenges and they finally decided to stop operations as

I'm curious as to what to the out-of-box failure rate that you saw on the wall switches? It seemed to me like about 1/4 of those switches didn't work for me on initial installation. As you can imagine, going to the trouble of pulling out the old switch, wiring up the new switch, and frequently finding that they were

Well, if you had to install an XTB, obviously it was not always completely reliable for you. Did you use any of the in-wall switches? Those seem to be the biggest source of issues - I had a house full of them at one point, but I don't use X10 to control them anymore. Still, every so often, one fails, and I replace it

The 5750 is an old video card. Even when it was new, it was considered mid-level. Crossfire will help a little, but not a lot.
Tom's hardware posted this benchmark chart back in October 2009 (3 1/2 years ago) back when the card was new:…

I would recommend avoiding X10.
X10 uses radio frequency and "power line controls" protocols that were developed in the 1970s. They have done little to improve on the performance and reliability since then.
Its possible they have improved, but when I got into X10, the quality of their products was shady at best.